Monday, July 6, 2009

Well, at least my birthday is over.

Well my birthday was yesterday. I was right about not getting anything. :( A few online people wished me a happy birthday though. Didn't do anything for my birthday or the 4th either. I'm not sure why people asked me or why they even ask me what I've been up to lately, I haven't left the house in over 8 months, and that isn't likely to change anytime soon, even if it is my birthday. Anyway I did nax 25 last night and pretty much nothing I needed dropped and the stuff that did I didn't win. Its like god, if there is one doesn't want me to even have 1 little thing. This was the worst birthday ever for sure. And also my father sent me a card....I'm returning to sender as always. Sorry but you didn't wanna be in my life when I was a child so now I don't want to be in yours. Too little, too late, and he needs to take the hint.

Anyway I'm 27 now. I wonder if I can still consider myself to be in mid 20s...when exactly is it that people stop saying mid 20s and start saying late 20s when referring to someones age?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Thanks for commenting on my blog - now I feel compelled to return the gesture.

    Even though I am much younger than you, I can still relate to the sentiment you express - I got pretty depressed on my 18th birthday, especially so because normally people think of their 18th birthday as a particularly special one, and I did nothing and got 2 small gifts from my parent and a present from a lone "acquaintance". Coincidentally, I have somewhat the reverse of your situation with my father - he is the one who does not want to contact me, he doesn't bother sending cards anymore.

    I haven't done anything on my birthdays since I was 12 - being a young child was an infinitely easier life.

    And incidentally, I think it's arguable that "late 20s" begins at 28, so you could get away with referring to yourself as "mid 20s" I would think...though that is a statement based entirely on logical speculation, not an actual understanding of the related social conventions.

    Oh, and a much belated happy birthday, random internet blogger - even if it wasn't.
