Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stupid Electric Company and Stupid People in WOW

My damn electric went out last night for I don't know how damn long cause I went to bed cause of it but it was at least 2 hours if not more. I was in a raid with guild running nax 25 too when it happened, and we had been doing better this week then previous weeks. Anyway it actually went out 3 times that night. The first 2 times it came right back on so I let my guild know I was having issues with my electric. So at least they probably figured it was that and not that I ditched them.

Anyway we only had 3 bosses left when I lost electric for the last and final time. I thought for sure they would get them and I'd miss out on loot. But this morning when I came on I asked someone who was in the run how it went after my electric went out and they said they tried thadius a few times but couldn't get him. I don't know whether to be happy that I didn't miss out on loot and missed out on the wipefest, or annoyed that my guild sucks so bad they can't even get to sapherion.

I found out and I don't know if its true or not (but I wouldn't doubt it) that 1 of the other druids in the guild bought some of their alts and had their mom level their druid(they are 16). I'll call this druid noobie. Found this out because people were dying on patchwork (I know right) and I asked for a battlerez since I'm a druid myself and still had mine up and if I was rezzed could rez someone else. Noobie said over vent "I'll get you cat" so I'm thinking cool. But a minute goes by and no rez. A few more minutes go by and still no rez. Finally after nearly 5 mins and when the boss is at less then half health(I died in the beginning as did alot of others)I get a rez. So I said something in raid chat I said "we need to be faster with the brezes" Then a bunch of people got mad at me and got on my case! I was like wtf. I mean come on we had 8 druids. And noobie said "I couldn't find you" o_O I was thinking to myself "wow did you buy your toon", and I said "you can click from the raid portraits". Apparently they are too dumb to know to watch all the groups. Funnily enough someone in the guild who I'm sort of friends with in the game, whispered me shortly after that saying something like "this is why I don't go to many raids anymore these guys always are like this and they suck so bad" then we talked more and they told me that noobie bought 2 of his toons and his mom leveled his druid for him. I can't stand people that do things like that. I know its only a game but I bet they cheat their way through real life as well.

And another wow rant..just a little while ago my friend from above asked me to come to uldar 25 with him. I said yes of course. Then a few minutes later still didn't get an invite. So I asked him "inv?" and he goes "sorry but apparently 2 people who have high influence here don't want anybody from wowfreaks (not the real name of the guild I'm in but I'll use this name here) in here. I was like wtf...cause I thought it was the same guild that another guildy friend of mine left the run last night to run uldar 25 and I could've sworn when I asked him that he mentioned the same guild as him. Anyway I was like "thats fucked up" and he said "yea they also insist they heard you making cat noises over vent and they don't want that to happen again" again I was like wtf and I said to him "umm wtf I've never even had a mic hooked up". They must be making that shit up, unless someone else from wowfreaks really did that and they mistook me for that person. I really don't get people and why they always feel the need to make retarded shit up. God people are jackasses. Especially people in WOW.

On a more positive note, I finally made a death knight :D The starter quests for them are really fun and full of lore. Mine is level 58 now, I plan to get to 59 and stay there for a while for pvp while working on getting more achievements for cat.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mostly WOW stuff again

Wow. I got the safety dance achievement last night. I can't believe it, especially since I got it with guild. Usually half the raid dies on it, but miraculously this time everyone lived. It was especially shocking since we had a few noobs in there and dps didn't look promising. Never thought I'd get that achievement lol, so was a pleasant surprise. I wonder if people were just being lazy before because they knew the boss could be pretty much 3 manned (though that takes forever) because this time I linked the achievement before we did it, so maybe they were like thinking "oh wow I'll try my hardest to stay alive so I can get this achievement". Or maybe not. I'm not sure anyone in the guild cares that much for achievements, at least not like I do. Which is dumb cause you get a cool mount if you do so many. Not to mention high achievement points are awesome for the epeen lol.

Anyway, I actually was late for the run, I fell asleep after eating dinner :/ I don't know whats wrong with me but the past few years I've always felt fatigued after eating. But this past week its just gotten so much worse, I'm now overcome with an overwhelming urge to sleep after I eat, and today I just couldn't help it, I had to go lay down. I slept for nearly 4 hours :/ And I missed the the beginning of the raid cause of it.

Though tbh I wasn't even planning to attend nax this week with guild, I wanted to run with an uber pug (lol...I was probably gonna try to orangize 1 myself so I could gear check and stuff). I decided to come with guild though when someone had to leave and they specifically asked in guild "cat wanna come to nax?" I'll admit if it would've been asked just in guild without being directed at me I probably wouldn't have said yes. (please note my toons name isn't Cat...I just don't wanna be recognized on here =)) But anyway...I guess in a way its karma, I got rewarded for going with my guild after all, whereas if I hadn't have gone with them maybe I wouldn't have gotten any achievements. Also, I finally got my eoe key for 10 man a couple days ago on the guild run, last week we cleared everything but KT. :/

We also tried the spore loser achievement, at my suggestion. Luckily the guild leader is open to trying achievements. Anyway we didn't get that 1 cause some noob tabbed to target the boss and they targeted and killed a spore instead. Leader said we can try again next week though.Now if only I can convince them to try the "they all go down together achievement" lol. Nah, I won't push my luck, we have enough trouble on the 4 horsemen without trying that achievement :/.

Sadly I don't think I'll get the mount anyway. Unless I get really really lucky and somehow get the undying achievement. Yeah, right, my guild still has people dying on trash. And trying to pug that 1...ha. What pisses me off though is my last ex who plays wow has that damn mount. He's not even that good of a player and he was a huge jackass too, and called me a noob the 1 and only time he played with me. (and yes I was a noob then but ffs I was his gf and brand new at playing..if he had been a good bf he would've given me a chance.) Instead he always preferred his real life and online female friends over me. 4 years later it still pisses me off. Sigh. At least I don't have to worry about R or J getting it. They both suck at wow. Not that my ex is good at it..oh heck he's better at the game then them, but I don't think he's a good player at all, he's leader of a guild whos majority of members he stole from a guild he was in before that that split up, so that says alot.

Anyway moving on to another subject...I watched the season finales of Fringe and Brothers and Sisters. Now I just need to watch the last 2 episodes of Ghost Whisperer and I'll be all caught up on shows, yay! Fringe was awesome as always, but I wasn't surprised at all that Peter was from the other dimension, I'd been suspecting that almost since the show first started. Go me! LOL.

I know I should get an entry in here thats more personal sometime...but I think I've said before I don't have much of a life. I basically really do just sit and play wow all day, with some tv watching thrown in here and there. I didn't even do anything for memorial day. I don't remember if I said it before or not but my familys never been close. I haven't seen any of them in years, except obviously my mother because I live with her. My mom talks to my grandma on the phone and sees her once every other week or so, my grandma also sees her son Steven on holidays, other then that she never sees any of the other 4 kids, and its not her choice, they just don't care to keep in touch with her. It makes me sad, she drinks, shes an alcholic actually, but still thats no excuse. Actually I shouldn't talk, I don't see her either, though I talk to her on the phone once in a blue moon and send her cards on holidays. But that was mostly because I didn't want to be around Henry(he was her bf) but he died a few months ago so I really should now. Anyway thats it for now.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

World Of Warcraft Stuff

Woot! I finally got the 1 drake achievement. Went with the non guild group I sometimes run with, I should really give them a name rather then always calling them the non guild group so I'll call them EC. Anyway I skipped out on my guilds 25 nax tonight (well hey we should be clearing it in 1 night like most guilds by now anyway!). I told my guild leader days ago that I would be doing this too, he was cool with it, which was great cause if he wasn't I don't think I'd have gone.

Anyway it started an hour after my guilds nax did so my guild was full for nax by the time I signed on so I didn't feel too bad. Actually though it started more like 2 hours after my guilds nax because we were short some people. I had them invite a guildy of mine whos ok but not the greatest. He kind of embarrassed me in there, not really because his dps was low though it was a bit low, but cause he didn't know if this awesome trinket was good for melee and he asked them. Someone was like "..." Plus he died during the fight, but still sp did I so I can't talk there lol. 2 others died as well. Got it on the first try though. Almost wish they had done it with 2 drakes up like they were gonna, I think it would've probably worked. Wonder if I'd have gotten both the 1 drake and 2 drake achievements then.

After that we went on to 25 man eoe, which didn't go nearly as well. We wiped like 5 or 6 times before they called it. Each time we made it to the drake phrase though, just people (myself included) sucked at moving on the drakes. Least I got 1 achievement there though, got the denin the scion achievement, for getting a killing blow on a hover disk lol. The raid leader was gonna have us go on to do 25 man uldar but too many people left so that was it for the night.

Pretty good runs though, except for not getting malygos. Though we also didn't do 25 man voa which was planned. Sucky alliance lost it twice in a row. I swear the alliance on my realm sucks so bad at wintergrasp lately. So now I gotta try to find a non suck group before tuesday that can actually do both bosses in voa, gonna be tough. :(

In other news I'm trying to get caught up on tv shows because I was getting really behind. With most stuff being on during the times I have raids I've gotten quite far behind. I finally finished season 3 of Big Love. I wasn't too shocked that Bill tossed Nikki out. He does seem to love the other 2 wives more, not that 1 can blame him really considering the things she does.It was horrible of him that he had sex with her the night before tossing her out though, what a jerk. I was shocked that Nikki has a daughter, I wonder if she will be the new Rhonda of the show, she does seem manipulative already (she lied about having already had a muffin). Speaking of Rhonda, where is she?? Last we saw she was with old pervert in his car headed to Nashville, I wonder if she will be back next season. And is Roman dead? The show won't me the same without him. Also, I noticed that they never showed what happened to Bill after he fell through the floor in the barn, so I'm wondering if everything after that was just Bill dreaming or something. Anyway now I just need to get caught up on Fringe, Brothers and Sisters and Ghost Whisperer, can't wait to see the season finales of those shows.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

eharmony rejected me

Yup. They rejected me. Those bastards. Maybe I should see it as a badge of honor...apparently I'm too unique for them. Anyway I googled "rejected by eharmony"
I found plenty of sites like where people talk about being rejected. Or where in some cases idiots/jerks talk about how they're actually glad eharmony rejects people! Like this one women who said the following:

"I too am glad that eHarmony is being discerning. I am going through a horrible situation along with 4 other women. None of us knew each other prior. This situation was brought to all of our attentions about the same guy we were all in relationship with who we each met online. Two of us met him on eHarmony and 3 of us met him on (I met him on both sites at the same time.) eHarmony pulled him right away with one complaint by one woman, but he is still preying on with now 3 complaints"

UMM hello?? Ok its nice that his profile was pulled by eharmony and match should've done the same but HE GOT APPROVED ON EHARMONY AND NOT REJECTED when he registered with them and took their hour long personality test. Which proves that their test doesn't weed out people like this. Of course maybe its not meant to. It looks more like its meant to weed out anyone depressed, or shy, or non religious. I've also heard eharmony rejects anyone gay but I don't know if thats true or not. I wouldn't doubt it though. The site is run by conservative christains and we all know what they're like.

Also by their own words

"eHarmony is based upon a complex matching system developed through extensive research with married couples. One of the requirements for successful matching is that participants fall within certain defined profiles. If we find that we will not be able to match a user using these profiles, we feel it is only fair to inform them early in the process." It sounds like they also weed out anyone unique."

It sounds like anyone unique is also not allowed in. Which means it wouldn't be a good site for me anyway...the kind of guy I'm looking for doesn't fit much of any norms. Oh and "early in the process" call telling someone after they finish you retardly long hour+ personality test "early in the process"?? WTF. And they let you continue the stupid thing even if they know after the first page that you'll be rejected. Ridiculous.

Anyway even most of the people that got accepted on eharmony don't like it So I know I'm not missing out on much. But they should really be forcibly shut down for discrimination.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jerks In Wow

So the other night against my better judgement I joined a nax 25 pug already in progress, they had run it the night before and done 2 wings then and were continuing it and needed some more people. (Yes normally I run it with guild but this pug said they would be clearing it and they had already knocked out 2 wings. My guild as I've said before can't clear it) They told me the rules were 1 main and 1 offset loot until everyone else that needed a piece had gotten something. Sounds good to me I said, so I went with them.

They failed however to tell me that people who went on their run last night would get priority if they hadn't yet won anything over those who ran now. The trinket off sapherion dropped. I won it, one of the best trinkets in the game for me so I was excited, but after the loot master said he was looting it to me he didn't right away and after a few minutes it was looted to someone else. I was like wtf I won that and I didn't get a main piece of loot yet why didn't you give it to me. Then he goes well the other guy was here last night and didn't get anything yet so it goes to him. Then another person who also was new and didn't know of that rule either got pissed and was on vent and he was like wtf you should've told me about that rule and thanks for wasting my weekly run. I would've said much the same only I don't have my mic hooked up. They were all like we said the loot rules (they never said that part tho)and if you don't like it leave. Both me and the guy yelling stayed though, why I'm not sure. But we continued on, wiped twice on KT. During a long afk break because some people left and they were replacing I decided to ask the leader if their was anyone who needed the druid/mage/rogue/dk helm and was on yesterdays run and hadn't gotten any loot yet, as I wanted to know if I'd have a fair chance if it dropped. He said that he hadn't and another guy hadn't but he couldn't remember if the other guy was on yesterdays run. I said "well can I roll against you since you failed to explain the loot rules to me before I was saved?" He goes "sorry for not telling you guys, I don't like the rules myself but thats what the guild wants so thats what I do". Then he says "You can roll, but priority will be given to me since I haven't won anything yet and was here both days" (gee dumbass doesn't that defeat the purpose of me rolling). I just said "ok then" then I logged off game and vent. No point in staying if I can't roll on the only thing I really need, though I needed weapon off him too but I doubt I'd have been allowed fair shot at that either. And also according to my friend/guidly in the run the leader was lying and had already used his need roll.

Those jackasses should've let me have just as fair a shot as the ones that went on the run yesterday, how the hell is priority to people that were there the night before fair anyway?? Its not, I was already getting "cheated" by joining a run half done as some bosses that I needed gear off were already dead, not to mention the emblems I lost out on for it. On top of that, since they didn't tell me about this rule they should've changed their damn rules and let me and the other newcomers have the same priority as those that were on the run the night before, it would've been the right thing to do, especially since we wouldn't have come if we had known about this shitty rule.

Maybe it was karma for not running with my guild. In any case I don't think I'll be pugging nax ever again, especially not 25 man. From now on its guild runs or runs with the other guild that lets me tag along sometimes. And actually a guildy got me into the run and he knew the loot rules but said he forgot...I haven't let him know but I'm kinda pissed at him for it too. He should've also had enough brains to know I wouldn't wanna go with those loot rules. Can't trust anybody else in this game really.

Friday, May 15, 2009


The season finale of Lost the other night was even more awesome then I expected. But it left me with even more questions. The biggest one will they continue it next season? I think it will continue the way this person says:

I don't think Juliet is dead either, at least I hope not. I used to not be able to stand her character but shes grown alot on me. I hated hated the idea of her and Sawyer together at first, but now I kinda think they're cute together, BUT I still prefer him with Kate. Him and Kate are just more similar and have much more chemistry.

Now as for Juliet, I kind of like the idea of Juliet and Ben actually. But that would never happen, unless maybe it already happened and we see it in flashbacks, but I think thats rather unlikely as well. But It would sure be interesting to see Ben in a relationship, the closest we've seen so far for him is his childhood friendship with that girl Annie, whos doll we saw he kept even as an adult. I wonder if we'll ever find out more about her, it was said before by the producers or something that her and Alex were the 2 most important women in Bens life. And I heard ages ago that we would hear more about Annie, but nothing since then. I wonder if the writers abandoned that storyline. I was gonna say I don't see how it could possibly fit into the story now (if anything I would've expected to see Annie on the island in the 1970s with Ben) but this is Lost so anything can happen.

Now as for Jack well...sorry but I can't really stand the guy still, he can just pine after Kate forever for all I care. Actually its not so much that I dislike him, its that the character of Jack isn't quite as interesting as any of the other main characters in the show.

Anyway, I think next season will most likely start like the post there says, with them all back on the plane in 2005 with their memories intact and landing, not crashing on the lost island. Another way I think it could start is they are thrown into their 2009 bodies with the things that would have happened had they not crashed having happened to them, but them having no memory of those things but rather still their lost island memories. It also could end with them landing and having at first no memories of the crash but later being "reawakened".

Next season is the last season :( I'm gonna miss Lost so much, I swear I'll cry when it goes off the air. I watch several other shows and while I think many of them are awesome, Lost remains far above them all.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I wish I had a kitten

I had a dream last night about kittens. In it I found this litter of 4 cute little kittens and I kept one of them. The one I kept was the cutest of all, he was kinda a calico but also kinda a tabby stripped. His face was orange tabby stripped with some white and with black on the sides which looked so cool and his body had alot of white but also some orange and black. He was adorable...wish I really had a kitten like him.

I have no kittens or cats for that matter :( I still live at home with my mom and shes kinda a bitch about me getting 1. Last cat I had I had since I was 9 years old, she died 2 years ago. Her name was Tiger Lily and she didn't like to cuddle much or be petted much. Though she was kinda nicer towards the last year or 2 of her life(she died of cancer). I joked that she knew the end was coming soon since she was old, so she wanted to make peace with god. I also had gotten 2 after her that died in 2004. Whiskers, he was a black and white cat who was the sweetest cat that ever lived but also loved the outdoors (maybe even more then he loved being petted/cuddled). And the other one was Furby. I miss Furby most of all, she was like a child to me. Furby was grey and white and she looked and acted like a kitten even when she was full grown she still acted very kitten like. She loved to play and she liked to be petted but only by me...she wouldn't let anybody else near her ever. There was also something wrong with her (though she was perfect to me) where she couldn't jump right, her back legs didn't work the way they should've or something. She would fall down the stairs at times because of it. We never could find out what exactly was wrong with her or what caused her death, but she was very sick towards the end, she was barely eating, the vet was no help at all, just said she was anemic and that more tests would cost us, well I forgot the amount they said but it was more then a few hundred and we didn't have it :( I feel guilty to this day over it and angry at my mom too for not having the money...I think what if...maybe she could've been saved. Theres a part of me that thinks she died of a broken heart, because her and Whiskers were very close and he died a few months before her. From what we don't know, he just came home 1 day very sick and he died that night before we could even call the vet or anything :(

But anyway I love cats, they're the best animals ever, and way better then people. I really wish I could have 1 again.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Stupid Aoltv and more wow stuff

God I hate aol tv listings. I haven't watched the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy yet and last night I was checking tv listings on aols site and on the top I couldn't help but see the ending for thursdays episode because they said what happened in it on the "tvs top moments last night" thing flashing across the top of the screen. Such bullshit do they have to have that there? They should just have a link that says "view last nights top tv moments here" or something so people like me who hadn't watched it yet don't get spoiled, don't those tards realize not everyone watches tv on the tv. I usually have a raid in wow and its hard for me to pay attention to that and my tv(when I try to I find I always miss stuff in the show or my wow suffers and I die from flame walls or something like that) so I don't always watch my favorite shows when they're on, I download them off bittorrent.

Speaking of raids...did heroic nax last night with guild. I feel bad saying this but I kinda wish I had gone and done 25 man uldaur with this other guild instead. Other guild doesn't quite have enough for 25 mans so they find people like me who will run with them, my guild used to only do nax 25 every other week so I ran with this guild the weeks mine didn't run it. They're good, they clear nax 25 and eoe, now they're working on uldaur. Meanwhile the guild I'm in is stuck in nax 25 and even after 2 nights a week, sometimes 3 in there we still can't clear it. Its extremely frustrating and I'm sure most people in my situation would just guild quit and join the other guild. So why don't I? Well I'm not sure really sure. I think part of the reason is that I've had very very bad luck in guilds, most of the ones I've been in ended up being rather cliquish and only inviting me to the 25 mans and making the 10 mans be all the officers and their friends and 5 mans, well in those guilds I'd always have to pug them. Then theres been other problems, such as the officers giving themselves loot first (never trust an officer loot system!), not having enough for even 10 mans, etc. In this guild however I've had none of those or any problems. Everyone is so friendly and I haven't noticed any cliques at all. So I'm reluctant to just /gquit because of a lack of progression. If only I could raid with the other guild while staying in this one....unfortunately they raid at the same exact times. I could just go with the other guild anyway the guild I'm in now is casual and they would let me...but I'd feel like a complete bitch if I did that.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Net Sucks And So Do People

My internet was down last night for over 2 hours. Must've been everyones cable internet around here because when I turned the tv on most of the stations were frozen. It was actually pretty funny, I would've probably found it even more funny if I wasn't dead tired and 20 minutes away from going to bed when it happened. I stayed up instead though because I needed to turn my wow dailys in before they reset. Never seen that happen before though lol usually if cables out its off the air, not on the air but frozen. 1 station was frozen on a guy making a touchdown, animal planet was frozen on a closeup of some funny looking bug, was pretty awesome, lol.

Had an annoying conversation today earlier with an online friend. He was saying how he doesn't wanna play wow so much anymore because hes worried if he does he won't be as social then it got to us talking about relationships and people and I said I'd rather be alone then with someone who wasn't near to my perfect match. I said they'd need to be a pessimist for sure and he replies "why would you want to be with a pessimist?" I was like umm because I am one. I said they'd really just need to be a pessimist about people and believe most people are bad, he goes thats not pessimism its cynicalism (don't most people consider them the same, I mean when most people say their pessimists don't they most importantly mean pessimists about people, I always thought so), anyway he goes on to say why would I want to be with someone who was just like me...I'm like well why wouldn't I. I really don't get people who want someone different then them, actually I don't get why anybody would want anybody other then someone who is alot like them. As I said to him most relationships don't last, and I'd rather never be in a relationship then get into one that didn't last forever. Of course like every other sheep out there he says "Most relationships don't last forever." So to that I said "yea because most people are stupid and aren't friends first and don't bother to get to know each other good so they get into relationships with people that aren't compatible with them". Then he went on to say how he knows many people who have very little in common yet are happy together. o_O If he's telling the truth there I really don't know what to think, I mean he's around my age so I'm assuming anyone he knows in a relationship would be around the same age and alot of relationships do last for a few years before the people finally admit they aren't right for each other. Also most people in relationships that aren't happy don't let on how unhappy they are. But anyway I've known and known of alot of people and no one I've ever known has been happy in a relationship for more then a short period of time. Besides that even if they really are happy, that doesn't mean I could ever be happy with someone that wasn't mostly like me, and having people tell me I could be always is so annoying, its like their saying I don't know myself well enough to know what would make me happy. Anyway these kind of convos always annoy me, I wish I could meet someone for once that agreed with me on things like this. Its so annoying to always have people try to convince me I'm wrong and ironically all it ends up doing is proving me right, because I definatly would never want to be in a relationship with someone who would try to convince me that most or even alot of people are good and these kind of convos as annoying as they are would be 100x more annoying if they were coming from someone I was in a relationship with.

Oh that hunter I mentioned in my last entry... they guild quit (thank god!) but before they did they talked to an officer. Today the officer whispers me mentioning it, they said I didn't do anything wrong but I sure felt like they thought I did or why would they whisper me. Anyway they said to please come to an officer next time I have a problem with someone(umm only problem I had with him was his dps sucked). I will because I don't wanna upset the guild, and this is more of a carebear guild then a raiding guild lol. Its retarded that he cried to an officer about it though, rather then owning up and deciding to improve his toon. I hate the attitude he has of "its alright if I suck as long as we get through the run" I can't stand people who get carried in the game like that.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm Epic!

Finally got my epic achievement in world of warcraft yesterday :D The last one I needed and had been needing for weeks was ranged (which since I play a druid means idol). I lost the roll on it, but luckily my guildy who was the only only feral on the run passed it to me because its a dps idol and he's more tanking then dps. Personally I think he passed more so because he remembered the time weeks ago when I passed on the tier 7 legs that dropped since they were a bigger upgrade for him then me.

I also got almost all of the childrens week achievements done now. The school of hard knocks ones weren't nearly as hard as I thought they would be. The ab one I got first, that one was easy, I just ninja capped the stables while my team was fighting, lol. The wsg one...that was funny, a horde was picking up and dropping our flag just to help us get the achievement. <3 that hordy. The eos and av ones provided a bit more difficult but still not too bad. The eos one the first day I tried it there were so many just going in mid to get the flag and I couldn't click it fast enough to grab before the others. And also were jerks who refused to cap the flag just so some of us couldn't get the achievement. So tried it again last night and got it in my first game, was a few others going for the flag early on and lots of horde there at first but towards the end of the game horde had 2 towers and us 2 but we were far behind from only having 1 most of the game. Anyway towards the end alliance tried to get more towers then the 2 we had but we were already so far behind I just went mid since no one else was there and grabbed flag and capped it. The AV one was the one that somewhat sucked, it took me like 5 or 6 games to get it and we only won 1 of those games. So many people were going for towers for the achievement. In the 2nd game I even was capping the tower but horde won before I could finish so took me the 4 or 5 more games to get the achivment :(

I did the "Hail to the King" achievement too. And got a mostly guild run for it. This one guildy who went with me was horrid bad though. I know that sounds mean but listen. He was doing less then 900 dps, and he's a hunter in almost full epics. I mentioned it to him after the run not to be mean or anything but I honestly figured he didn't know how little he was doing, or that maybe he was doing so badly because he forgot something or was experimenting with a new spec or something. I didn't bring it up like "you suck" I said something like "did you know you only did like 900 dps in there?" he said it was because he was playing with a not fully leveled up pet(in a heroic lol) and because he had to go afk a few times and we wouldn't wait(he only went afk like 3 times and not for long enough for it to make his dps be so below the rest of ours). Then he said "don't worry you're not the only guildy to tell me I suck" I never told him he sucks though, just that his dps was below what it should be to run heroics. Anyway that was the end of that or so I thought. But the next day he whisperers me all angry and emo like saying "I was wondering why you felt the need to point out my low dps last night" (I only pointed it out to him). I said what I said last night that it was below what it should be to run heroics and I thought he might want to know so he can figure out how to up it. He got mad and defensive instead and said "what does it matter if we finished the run" and then even tried to tell me that he was doing me a favor by going on the run! The nerve. For 1 he needed the achievement too, for 2 he was dps and dps is easy to find. I asked him why he was getting so upset/defensive and he said "because its not the 1rst, 2nd or even 3rd time I have gone on a run as a favor with a guildy and they have mentioned my dps as being low". I said "Well then no offense but maybe you need to improve then, try a different spec or pet or something, your gear is good enough where you should easily be doing double or even triple the dps you're doing now". He then went on to say "well I could tell you how to improve yours too but I won't do that." To that I was like"......" I couldn't believe him, on the run we went on I went as balance (I normally run as feral) and I know I need to improve on my balance rotations, but still even as balance and not knowing my rotations that well I almost tripled his dps. I pointed out that in our nax 25 runs I'm always top or near top dps and hes bottom. He then said "I wasn't last, and they still let me go to nax with my dps being what it is" Now maybe he wasn't bottom (my meter only records the top 10, but I do know he was under the main tank, because the main tank was number 10 on my meter, if he wasn't last he still wasn't doing well. And the others below the main tank at least were all undergeared(we have wayyyyyy too many undergeared people in this guild...but thats a rant for another time). As if them taking him on the run means anything though, this guild takes anyone whos online and signed up for it. Thankfully they don't just take anyone for the uldaur runs, not that we get far in there anyway. Anyway I was only trying to help him because like I said I figured he honestly didn't know how low his dps was. But he had to have a fit about it, he even said "don't worry I won't volunteer to go on any runs with you again" After enough crap from him I said to him "well don't you want to contribute and not get carried by everyone". He kept saying how I shouldn't have told him his dps was low blah blah blah so I finally said "ok I'm sorry, I thought you didn't know and would want to improve, I know if I was doing such low dps I'd want to know, but I guess I was wrong, I won't mention it again".

Anyway other then that not much going on with me. Made another new online friend. I've been making quite a few online friends lately, mostly through a forum I go to. Hopefully some of them will actually last. Guess if I keep people at a distance it might work because then I won't be as upset and cut them off when I find out their lying to me or something. There was a post on the forum I go to recently that got me thinking asked if we'd rather the forum was public or private. And I know I'd rather it was a private forum then public like most of it is now. Reason being as you can probably tell, I'm a very open person, I've mistakenly given the forum link to people years ago who I though I would be friends with forever or at least wouldn't end up being jerks. Anyway now I'm somewhat worried that 1 or more of those people may be going to the forum and reading my posts. I don't think I'm being paranoid either because it happened in the past to me not once or twice but a few times. 1 of the last people I gave the link to was Josh and he logged in on the site a few days after we stopped being friends. Anyway even if he or Rich or anyone else I used to know reads my posts I guess it doesn't really matter too much, only thing is I don't want any of them knowing I'm still hurt by them.