I quit my guild 2 days ago. Reason I quit was because one of the raid leaders, I'll call him O for obnoxious was being a total jerk to me.
Basically we got into this huge argument of which he started supposedly just because I brought up privately to him during the run that someone elses dps was too low for the run. I'll call the player whose dps was too low B for baddie. I only brought it up because in the beginning of the run he was gonna have me and a few other dps roll for a spot against this player.
Also he had this 1 player, whose dps is on par with mine as balance be exempt from rolling. My gear score was actually higher then this person that was being exempt from rolling. So I mentioned in raid "how come A isn't having to roll...my gear score is higher then his" Because it wasn't fair. So then after a bunch of quiet and waiting a while he said "A do you mind rolling?" A didn't wanna roll but he had all the dps roll anyway. A, B and me rolled highest and so got to stay. the 2 other dps were O and another raid leader that were also of course both exempt from rolling, even though we only needed 1 raid leader especially since it was a 10 man.
I noticed during the run B's dps was rather low, lower then the tanks even. This player B, I have grouped with him in raids before and his dps is always this bad. He doesn't play his spec well and he also still has 3 or 4 blues, which you should have betetr then if you wanna do uldaur. I mentioned it to the raid leader during the raid because I figured he must not know or have realized this otherwise he would've had this person sit out rather then roll for a spot with us. But he did know and he got mad and said something like "Don't bring that crap up to me". Then I was like "....." And he said "I watch recount too." So I'm thinking to myself, if thats true then why wasn't this person made to sit out. Since you claim to chose who gets to go by their gear and dps. But I didn't say anything then.
After the run O whispered me and was like "Are you busy, can I talk to you for a minute?" I was trying to get a run going for some heroics so I said "sure I'm just trying to find a group for some heroics" Then he's like "well can you wait I'd like to talk to you". I agreed, which I wish I hadn't. Because it turned into over an hour of arguing with him and resulted in me quitting the guild.
I don't know why the hell he had such an over reaction to me saying everyone should roll or to me pointing out to him B's low dps. But he flew off the handle. He basically told me that my dps wasn't that good either (which I'll admit it wasn't that great but it wasn't below the others by more then 1%...B's was below the others by more then 5% and below the tanks as well.) I said to him well I kept up on dps with the others I wasn't that far behind, nothing like B's and plus I still have some 10 man nax gear". Then he goes well if you still have 10 man gear you shouldn't be in uldaur...I'm like well if I can keep up with the other people who are in 25 man gear why not shouldn't I, skill should count for something. Then I'm like well my dps and gear score are both higher then B's, I was just saying if you're gonna go by gear scores like you had said you were doing then why was he allowed to roll with us and also why was at first A exempt from having to roll when A's score and dps are both unpar with mine and in fact A's gear score is lower then mine. O also said "I shouldn't have changed it and had A roll that was my mistake" I was like "wtf" And told him if A doesn't have to roll I find that unfair.
Basically he argued with me for over an hour and he was more stubborn then a mule and I couldn't get him to see how unfair he was being and that he was blowing everything way out of proportion. I can't even remember everything he said to me...he was a huge jerk though.
He also kept insisting my gearscore was lower then it was. I kept saying thats not right I must be in pvp gear or something. So he fucking invited me to a group and made me come to where he was and inspected each piece I had on and insisted it was right. Then like 10 minutes later he goes "oh my bad I didn't realize you had a lance on in the wow-heros profile so I'll add 213 to your score". I said I told you it was higher. He said well you said you were in pvp gear. I'm like no I said maybe I was, I just knew it wasn't right. Geez maybe he could've at least reloaded the damn page when I said it was wrong because I was on the more current one of it which was my correct score, I know because I reloaded it myself. Fucking moron.
He also accused me of being selfish when I said well since my feral dps is so higher I could go as feral and still roll main on balance. (I was trying to work out a compromise with this SOB). Then he said I was being selfish for wanting to gear up 2 dps specs. And that I was already geared very well as feral and it was selfish to gear up another dps spec. I was so pissed off when he said that that I couldn't think of that great of a response. Now yes my feral dps is alot more then my balance dps but my feral dps is also alot more then anyone else in the guilds dps. Usually its over 2% more then the next highest person! As feral I'm num 1 in nearly every fight. When I'm not num 1 its because I either died or was busy with non dps stuff like add duty or trying to find someone that died and rez them or backup healing. So basically as feral I was fucking carrying all of them. So he should talk.
He also said that I would be taking away from other people who needed the gear. Now yes I am geared as feral but 95% of my feral gear I got from non guild runs. 90% or more of the rest of the guild doesn't even try to gear up outside of guild runs. If we don't do a guild nax 25 for the week they just don't go, and 99% of them never do voa. So it's not like I took gear from the other players as feral and then decided to roll for balance stuff. And even with my balance gear I have geared up 95% or wait more like 99% for that on non guild runs. I still have like 4 10 man things for balance (rings and trinkets)but I've filled out every other thing from pug runs. So for him to act like I'm being selfish is laughable. Also he has an alt that he runs with and is gearing that up on guild runs at times. So what about the gear he is taking away from the people who would need it for their mains huh? What a hypocrite!
Then he started going off topic talking crap about me and saying I had a poor attitude and needed to let things go. I'm like wtf...you're the one that started this exchange, I had no intention of saying a thing after the run. He said crap about how I annoy people by always asking if we can do achievements. I said "I only ask once and I don't push it when people say no". He said "Well if a raid leader thinks we can do it he'll bring it up and you acted upset when we said no to the 4 horsemen achievement" I said "umm no I didn't I just said "aww :(" I was disappointed not upset" And I told him he and whoever else had a problem with me suggesting we try for achievements needed to lighten the fuck up. (I left the fuck part out lol). And he told me I needed to drop it then! I'm like wtf dude you're the one that brought it up it don't upset me if we don't try them. I also told him that if I didn't suggest it we wouldn't have learned how to do flame levi the easy way. He had the nerve to suggest that he didn't try it because of my suggestion but because he learned that from the other guild he was running with a few weeks ago! I was like well funny then that you learned it long before we started uldaur yet you never tried it until the day I suggested it. If he knew it was the easier way before I suggested it then he would've tried it before then. Fucking liar just trying to save face.
He also mentioned about how I don't wanna go on runs unless we try the achivments. Which is true for 5 mans. But so the fuck what, theres plenty of other people who need emblems from 5 mans that are willing to go...I don't need emblems. And I've been trying forever to get guild runs for heroic achievement runs, yet nobody ever is willing to help me with them. Yet I'm expected to help them with their heroic runs when they won't even attempt the achievements for me?? I've been trying for months now to find people to help me get these achievements done. I wanted the damn mount but no one cared. The mount will probably be removed soon too, the raiding achievement one was removed already. Then he said "well you do it for 10 mans too" Anyway I told him if I was needed I'd have gone on those runs but if theres alot of people wanting to go and we're not trying for achievements then I sit out. It makes fucking sense that someone else that needs gear should go instead of me if they're not doing the achievements.
Anyway the only person he mentioned specifically other then himself as being upset was another raid leader. Who I know was immature enough once to open a fake portal over the wintergrasp one which tricked a few people, me included into taking it and ending up in fucking dustmallow marsh.
And speaking of sitting out, I actually sat out on last weeks run. So that others wouldn't have to...think I mentioned that before. Actually it might've been 2 weeks ago since last week I don't think we did uldaur 10. But anyway I sat out on last guild uldaur 10 run. So would think that it would mean that this week I got to go. But noooooooo I still had to roll for a spot. O asked if anyone was willing to sit out too and nobody said a thing. Selfish SOBs, I would've offered to myself if I hadn't sat out last run. And I never even got a thank you from the person that got to go because of me sitting out last week either. Such rude, selfish people. Like every fucking other person out there.
Eventually I realized it was pointless arguing with him. I tried to close the conversation but then he's like "you can't go as balance on my runs anymore." Which he'd also said a few other times in the conversation. I kept saying I'm fine with going as balance and rolling with the people who are similar to my dps/gear as balance for a spot, so long as you're fair and people like A who have lower gear scores and similar dps to me aren't exempt from rolling". But he didn't care he told me I was going as balance and that was that. I couldn't change his mind or make him see how wrong or unfair he was being and the whole exchange was giving me a huge headache. So I just explained what happened in guild. Basically I said "ok O is telling me I can't go on runs anymore as balance so I don't think this is the right guild for me anymore, good luck all." Then I guild quit before anyone really said anything except saw O say "thats correct" before I quit.
Got a bunch of tells after I quit. People seemed sad. I explained it to them the best I could. Got another one today too. The GM and none of the officers sent me any though...guess they most likely agree with O. :(
I'm worried now that he twisted the story to make me look bad. He was definatly the one in the wrong...but people like him, they're good at convincing others they're in the right.
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