Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Please Vote :)

Added a poll because I wanna know whose visiting :) Please vote!

1 comment:

  1. I can't really legitimately vote for any of those options, but I will answer the poll question here nonetheless, since, as is self-evident, I am in fact viewing your blog.

    I found the link in your signature on the SA forum, and I started following and reading the blogs of anyone on there who has a blogger blog which is half-way decent. Oh and also your profile description thing is quite interesting and I think you are more deserving of the 'misanthrope' label than most people who apply it to themselves - nothing reinforces misanthropy more than happy sociable people fallaciously describing themselves as misanthropes.

    So I can't say that I really dislike you or that I really like you, but still find reading your blog an occasionally interesting and entertaining diversion, and I have little other to do besides reading peoples' blogs. Why is there no "I am apathetic towards you/don't know who you are but find your blog entertaining" option?

    Incidentally, I just noticed this, but maybe you should update your profile description to reflect the fact that you are no longer 26, yes?
