Well so much for writing here again sooner lol. Anyway things have been going pretty good for me lately :) Will and I are going to see each other again on the 11th :D He's staying until the 14th :). I'm so excited :D 2 half days together and 2 full ones :) (Was only 1 full 1 last time). We're gonna play the Ouija board and maybe some other board games, kiss/cuddle (blush), and maybe drive around looking at Christmas decorations and going to see a movie. For the movie we're thinking of the new one coming out, Fourth Kind. Since we both like aliens/paranormal it seems a good choice :) Just worried my local theater won't be playing it in time. I remember years ago they were always a few weeks slow on getting the newest releases :( I guess if they aren't we can probably watch District 9 or Paranormal Activity. Would suggest going to Buffalo but he's already gonna be driving 4 or 5 hours to come here so don't wanna ask him to drive that much more.
Speaking of movies we watched Pumpkinhead together on day of the dead (the day after Halloween). We watched it on a movie site while chatting online heh. It was pretty good, not one of the best movies I've seen though, I wish it had ended differently too. Was my idea to watch a scary movie online together :) Thinking we might make a habit of this watching stuff online together :)
Our recruit a friend thing ended :( But his lock and my rogue both hit 60 before it did :) We're level 63 now actually. Turns out when you hit 60 you stop getting the triple xp anyway and can't be summoned anymore (I really should've read the faq on recruit a friend more lol). Odd thing with the summons thing is sometimes it worked when we were 60 and sometimes it didn't. Seemed to work mostly in inns. Since we stopped getting triple xp a few days before recruit a friend ended we decided to play other toons. He had a level 10 druid and a level 8 priest so I made a hunter and he granted my hunter levels with both toons until I was same level as his druid :) Got those toons up to level 19 in a couple hours of play time :) Hunter seems a fun class but I'd much rather play my rogue with him, or my druid when he gets up to 80 :D
And he got the burning crusade xpac so we can level to 70 together...told him he didn't need to though and that he could've just bought wrath, cause when I switched computers and reinstalled wow all I needed was wrath. But thinking now I may be wrong and that doing that might only work for accounts that already had downloaded the xpac before. Because everything online says you need wrath so it makes me wonder. Anyway he'll need to get wrath, and hopefully he will soon. Will be even more awesome when hes 80 and can play with my druid :D
Just wish he'd play more :( We don't even play together everyday but he thinks we play together alot, he says we play together an average of 3-4 hours a day, but I know thats totally off. He said he calculated it from his /played in wow. But thing is he played alot without me too so I'm not sure how he could calculate it. Anyway I know for sure we don't play that much on average, we barely play every other day, even weekend days we don't always get 3-4 in :( He thinks anything above 2 hours is good though :( I disagree. I think 2 is good for weekdays but think it should be more like 5-6 on weekend days. Guess we just have very different ideas on what is alot. We've argued quite a bit about it actually. :( Also he said before that he'd try to play more wow with me but it seems totally like he went back on his word about that because he later said he meant 2 hours a day and I replied something like thats what you said weeks before you said the playing more thing and he said something like well I didn't always do 2 hours then and will now. Another thing is he seems to stay on wow longer the times he goes on without me :(
Anyway while I'm on the subject of wow, one of my wow friends, Rich got hacked :( I was wondering why I hadn't seen him on in a couple days, he came on last night, I asked him where he'd been and told him armory wouldn't bring up his toons. He said "yea, I got hacked" He said the hacker took all his stuff and de'd it and used his emblems to buy epic gems and stuff. Took him a few days to get it all back (he got hacked on Wednesday morning and just got account back last night). Whoever hacked him also paid for server transfers for both his toons to another realm. He thought that was funny since he said whoever did it spent money on it. What I don't get though is why they didn't change the email (he said he got an email about his toons being transferred and thats how he found out, orginally when he got hacked he thought the person deleted them since he couldn't find them on armory) if they changed the billing info (which I'm assuming they did if they paid for the transfers) Really confusing, I'll have to ask him about it later. Hopefully he isn't lying about getting hacked for some reason. Anyway he got all his stuff back, plus some abyss crystals and such from when his gear was disenchanted, guess they reinstated his gear and let him keep the crystals. He thinks hes missing some gold though which sucks.
Anyway I just recently am starting to get interested in getting back into raiding on my druid. But I think after my recent try I'll just give up and try again in a few weeks or months. It was an uldaur 25 run that I joined already in progress because 1 of my wow friends asked me to come. Wish I hadn't, we wiped alot, not only that but the run had 10 guildys in in and 1 of them was lead, the douche decided all runed orbs would go to their guild bank. Most guilds do that, I don't really agree with it in any case...but when you have non guildys in the run, especially 10 of them you should fucking let everyone roll. Assholes. Anyway I force dc'd shortly after that when they wiped again. Do worry some that I made the friend who asked me to come mad by doing that but meh. Maybe I can say sorry and make up some excuse to him.
Ugh speaking of wow friends...1 of mine, the one I mentioned before that suggested maybe meeting 1 day since he moved to Ohio never ever ever helps me and it pisses me off. I've run him through stuff before but he never does the same. Its been like this for years pretty much and I'm just about fed up with it. Don't think hes a very good friend at all. He always says he doesn't have much time or is logging soon, or has had a bad day and just wants to bg to relax. Yet he'll help his fucking guild whenever they ask. A guild whos leader is a good wow friend of his and who was very rude to me before when I was in that guild :( Pisses me off so much. Have actually considering ending the friendship over him not helping would think if he was a good friend he wouldn't only not be in that guild but would help me too sometimes like I've helped him. Don't really remember even many instances of him helping me even. Remember 2 though both over a year ago. 1 he got pissed at me when I asked him to run me and some others through an instance because the others took too long to get there (he really has no patiance at all, even less then me lol). Another one was for my locks epic mount quest at 60 and he actually suggested I give him money for it :( Could almost understand that in a way because he paid money for the items himself weeks before for his own lock quest, but he had them regardless of me so it wasn't something a friend should've done. I wouldn't have suggested he pay if the situation had been revered :( Also remember the time a year or so ago where he borrowed 2000 gold from me to buy epic flight and took months to pay it back :( Anyway the day I asked him to run me through the instance he was online for hours on end in battlegrounds. Would've only taken 20-30 minutes to run me through the instance and he wouldn't make time. Some friend.
Did eventually find someone to run me through, one of my old guild leaders who I still talk to lol, she was very nice about it too and got some others to help too to speed it up. Thats about the only guild leader I've had in wow that I don't hate lol. But that guild doesn't exist anymore they merged with another one. Anyway I like my achievements and they weren't progressed very far so I quit partly over that and partly because 1 of the officers was a total ass to me.
Anyway as for achievements...I've gotten a few lately :) Less then I used to but I have alot of the non raid ones now and haven't been raiding much to get the raid ones. I got sporegger and kureni rep achievements as well as the diplomat achievement/title :)Also finally did Sunwell and got my outland raider achievement :D Been waiting months to find a group to get that, no one ever does it. Also killed all the rares in outland for bloody rare achievement lol. That one took about a week but was fun. Got alot of crappy level 60ish blues and some good ones from killing the rares, so some nice gear for my rogue and Will's lock and some shards for me to de :)
Anyway might write again sooner but don't hold your breaths lol. Might do next part of that longest personality quiz if I'm bored. Otherwise my next blog entry will probably be about Will's upcoming visit. So excited :D
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wills Upcoming Visit :D Wow Friends and Pumpkinhead!
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