I got my last achievement, less-rabi done a few days ago and now I'm the proud owner of a red proto drake :D I named him Pyro. Well you can't really name mounts or vanity pets in WOW but I refer to him as Pyro lol. Fitting I believe since he's red, plus it keeps with the P thing I have going lol (pretty much all my wow char names begin with a P). Actually got the achievement in a pug, well not a pug but someones guild run that was short 1 dps, so I was the only pug I guess. Took us a few tries but we got it. Think for dps we had me, a rogue and a mage, and had shaman heals, forgot what class we had for tank, either dk or warrior.
Anyway after doing all those achievements I kinda have felt like taking a break from running instances for a while. So I haven't done many raids lately. Have just been trying to stick with running heroic toc and the heroic daily every day, but usually get talked into running more. People don't seem to understand either. Yesterday Rich and I were chatting in wow, mostly about movies, anyway he asked what I was up to I just said clearing out my mail/inventory, bout to do uldaur soon. Then when it was canceled I was kinda happy because I didn't really feel like running it and I told him I was kinda happy because I didn't feel like running something. Then like 20-30 mins later he asks me if I wanna run something, I didn't reply cause well...I'd already said I didn't really feel like running something, then 10 mins later he whispers me again and asks why I'm ignoring him. I said sorry just like I said I don't really feel like running something atm and was happy when uldaur got canceled :P Then he says something like "uldaur is not something" and tries to convince me more to run something. I said nah gotta clean out my inventory here. Then he logs off wow without a word like 10-15 mins later. :/ He didn't say hi when he first logged on today either and I didn't see him login, but I checked when I logged in and he wasn't on. So I whispered him and was like hey when did you sneak on? Then he was like a little while ago sorry I didn't say hi got invited to an instance right away. I'm probably overreacting but it seems or seemed like he was mad at me.
In other wow news. My guild master is hilarious. Unfortunately I don't think he means to be. English isn't his first language (spanish is) and he gets alot of sayings mixed up, plus says alot of just funny to me sayings. Like the other day in guild chat he said something like "if the baby don't got no tits the mama can't get no milk" not sure what he was saying that for but think he was talking about the guild bank and how it had like no money so we couldn't use it for repairs. Anyway he called a guild meeting a few days ago and it was funny as heck. He was the only one talking through 95% of it too. Anyway he was mostly expressing his annoyance/disappointment towards the guild and several members that were saying bad things about non guildys in runs and apparently whispering them telling them they sucked and stuff. One thing he said that I found hilarious was "if you done this and the shoe fits please take it and put it on". Were some other funny sayings from him too during the guild meeting including him comparing the guild to a boat "a guild is like a boat if you have too many people some are gonna fall off". He didn't seem to be joking with any of the things he said either, he sounded 100% serious, which made it all the funnier. Another funny part was when he said if anyone had any questions now would be the time to ask and the silence that followed until someone piped up and asked a question about the in game calendar. LOL I wish I'd recorded the whole thing, did record like 2 small bits though for giggles.
Anyway on to a non wow subject. Me and Willy! Heh Willy, wonder if I should call him that :D Anyways things seem to be ok with him. Still not sure I can trust him though but don't expect to meet anyone I can. Another thing that bugs me is he doesn't think he can commit 100% till he's engaged. :( Well, think after several months and meetings he will change. Hope so anyway. I understand not wanting to now cause we haven't even met yet or anything, but after say 3 or 4 meetings and several months or a year that better change...if not guess we won't work out. Ugh this was supposed to be a better topic. Really though there is more bad then good here, just like their is with my wow friends. I just tend to write and focus more on the bad.
Anyway we're gonna meet in winter. I hope he's not like the other ones were and just saying he will come visit me. Though with my SA this bad, a part of me feels I could wait forever lol. :/ I think he really will come visit me though, he seems different then the others in that regard. He wanted to maybe meet on labor day but we (mostly me I think) decided it would be better to wait). Hope he's ok with that. He seemed to be, but people never seem to say when they're upset about things like that. Anyway we discussed things to do and I couldn't think of much other then walking around the falls, playing with a ouija board or going to the casino. He doesn't wanna go to the casino :( I've never really been to one and I think it'd be fun. But he's not a gambler, besides don't want him to spend even more money. As for the ouija board, I'd have to go to his hotel room to do that which might feel a little weird. But my mom won't let 1 in here she said over her dead body, she considers those things evil and says they only get demons. Apparently she thinks that no one ever sticks around as a ghost, or if they do they can't communicate via ouija boards yet demons can. Its funny, since she herself has said she has seen ghosts before. Anyway I also suggested we walk around the falls some, seems like thats all I can think of to do on our visit for now. Hmm just had another thought...hot sex. Kidding! Not until I'm married. Maybe board games? Hmm, don't wanna bore him to death though. Don't even know if he likes board games.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
5000 question survey my answers part 2
Part Two
101. What does happiness/joy feel like physically?
Sometimes it gives you energy and makes you feel like jumping up and down. Other times it makes you feel calm and relaxed.
102. List five people you love starting with the one you love the absolute most.
Well, tbh I only really love love myself, so I'll chose people I love as a person and think are awesome people.
A Myself
B My mom (eh, not that close to her but figure she deserves this spot over my best online friends or my favorite singer).
C William (blush)
D. Rich (not the Rich I used to be friends with though this one I met in wow too)
E. Brandon Flowers (lead singer of the killers hehe)
103. How many movies have you gone to see this month?
None, I never go out to see movies. Maybe if it was a super really good one I would, like if they made a new Chuckie movie. Otherwise I'm content to wait until its out on torrent sites or something.
104. If you could have 3 wishes...but none of them could be for yourself, what would you wish for?
1. For the government to come clean and tell us about the truth on ufos/aliens.
2. For all people who cheat on their spouses to catch aids and die very painful deaths with no friends or family standing by them in their time of need.
3. For teleportation to be invented and be available at an affordable price within the next 5 years.
105. In what ways do you relax and de-stress when you are really tense?
When I'm really stressed out over something I obsess about it and there is no possible way for me to relax :( If I'm just a little upset though I try to escape into world of warcraft by doing solo things while pretending to be afk, or I watch videos on youtube.
106. How much money would it take to get you to drive to school naked in the springtime and get out of the car?
I don't go to school lol. So I wouldn't know anyone there lol so I'd do it for 100,000. It would be probably at least quadruple that if I attended the school and knew people there.
107. Have you ever killed an animal?
Only insects.
108. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
Many people but none through death which is what I believe this question is asking.
109. What do you think of cloning?
Cloning for parts is I think a bit ethically wrong but could be a good thing for say people that have lost an arm or a leg in an accident or something and things like that assuming of course they aren't cloning an actual living person to take these parts. Cloning for the sake of bringing back people like elvis could be good in a way but wouldn't be fair to the person being cloned so I don't believe it should be done ever.
110. Do you read or watch TV more often?
Hmm. Not sure how to define either. Watch tv could also mean watching old shows on youtube and stuff and reading do you mean reading books or reading things? Because I read alot of fanfiction and other stuff online like forum posts and I also watch alot of stuff on youtube. Well I watch more tv as in sitting in front of the big flat screen thingy then I do reading books. As for reading and watching stuff online though, I think I read a little bit more stuff online then I do watch shows.
111. With all this talk of terrorism going around are you willing to sacrifice rights and freedoms for increased safety?
Depends what rights and freedoms I guess. I don't mind going through metal detectors and stuff like that. I would however mind being strip searched because I happened to be at an airport where an anonymous bomb threat was made or having the government tap my phone or crap like that.
112. What is the punishment you would come up with for Osama Bin Laden if you caught him alive?
Amputate his arms and legs and stick him in a prison cell.
113. Have you ever named an individual part of your body?
I named my boobs before years ago but I forgot what I named them.
114. Have you ever been on the radio or on TV?
Yes, both. On the radio for like 10 seconds to say the name of song and artist I requested, was maybe 10 years ago lol. On tv as a kid for some telethon thing on our local access channel.
115. Have you ever won a lottery, or sweepstakes?
Have won free lotto tickets before lol. And omg one time I had 3 of the numbers and another 2 numbers were 1 off and another was like 10 or so off. I almost was a millionaire :(
116. Have you ever won a contest or competition?
Yes when I was a kid I won a coloring contest :D And I got a wagon from it. That was one of the most happiest days of my childhood.
117. Do you like to watch The Joy of Painting show with Bob Ross (check out this link if you don't know who he is. Also please note me if you notice the link is broken) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Ross_(painter)?
Have never watched it. If I ever decide to learn how to paint though I will.
118. Do you know what your grandparents and your great grand parents did for a living?
I have no clue what any of them did. Wish I knew more about my family :/
119. Is there anything really interesting in your family history?
My mom says we're related to Harry Houdini, he is a great uncle or something on my grandmas side.
120. Is there anyone you trust completely?
Nope. Probably not even myself.... :(
121. Have you ever lost someone without having the chance to say goodbye?
Many people, but if you mean by death then no I haven't.
122. How do you feel about women in politics?
The same as I feel about men in politics. Bored.
123. Would you rather have an indoor Jacuzzi or an outdoor pool?
Well I can't swim and pools have more of a germish factor to them. I've never been in a jacuzzi before though but I'd chose jacuzzi because they have temp control and seem cleaner to me. I bet a jacuzzi would be fun for other things too hehehe :D
124. What things are you interested in that you study or read about on your own?
Anything to do with World of Warcraft. Paranormalish stuff (mostly aliens/ufos). Other weird stuff. Tv shows and bands I like. People I stalk lol.
125. Would you consider yourself to be intelligent?
No not really :(
126. Would you consider yourself to be wise?
Yes, I'd say I'm more wise then 99% of people. But it seems to do me more harm then good. :(
127. Have you ever given or received a lap dance?
Nope. Anyone wanna volunteer? ;)
128. Have you ever spoken to a homeless person?
Can't remember, one said god bless to me though after I gave him change.
129. Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring?
Yes :D But only if I had someone to go with.
130. If you could add 70 years to your life but only by making some random person die 70 years sooner would you?
Probably not, I don't want to live to be 200 or some crazy number like that.
131. Can you finish any of the following lyrics?
A: Nothing to kill or die for...
No world worth living in? (I'm probably wrong here but I know what song it is)
B: Late comings with the late comin' stretcher...
No clue. Sounds like a crap song though.
C: I could make a film and make you my star...
my porno star forever..
Kidding. Never heard that song either.
132. Were you ever with someone while they died?
Not a person no.
133. Would you rather be a world political leader or a rock star?
Rock star. Sounds worlds funner.
134. Have you ever given someone a love letter that you wrote?
Haha nope.
135. Have you ever sent someone a surprise though the mail?
136. Are you looking forward to any concerts right now?
Nope again.
137. Of all animated movies, which is the best one you've ever seen?
I don't really like or care for any animated movies. Maybe 1 of the Sailor Moon ones I saw.
138. What are the best bands or songs to listen to while driving?
I'm gonna chose my favorite bands The Killers and Jesus Jones. Cause they rock.
139. What do you think is the most amazing thing that anyone has ever accomplished?
Inventing the Internet.
140. What could a member of the opposite sex do to impress you?
Other then the obvious of being a good conversationalist and compatible with me?
Bring a weigi board on our first date or dress up as a world of warcraft character. Take me to do something fun and not a boring dinner and a movie date.
141. About how many emails do you get a day?
A shitload, 99.9% of them junk.
How many of those emails are junk mail?
See above.
How many of them are forwards?
None. I hate people that do that crap. Have had online friends in the past who were retarded enough to but thankfully no longer have any dumb friends like that.
142. What's your favorite thing to do online besides write in your diary and hang out at this site?
Play world of warcraft :D And chat on IM, mostly to one person in particular.
143. Do you believe Kurt Cobain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Cobain) killed himself or was it a conspiracy?
Undecided. But I do think maybe Courtney might've had something to do with his death.
144. Have you ever though about hitchhiking across the country?
Yes. It sounds kinda fun in a way, but I would never do it. I'm not trusting enough to get into any strangers car, let alone several strangers cars.
145. Who would you bring with you on this kind of a road trip?
Will! <3
146. Of the following, which word best describes you: accurate, bold,
charming, dependable
Accurate because I'm always right :D
147. If you are single, at about what age do you think you will be ready to settle down and get married? If you are married, how old were you at the time?
Hmm I don't know. A part of me worries that I've been alone for so long that I wouldn't be able to settle down and get married. I've grown to really like my alone time :/ Settle down? Whats that mean exactly? I'll never be ready to settle down if it means working some 9-5 job and not playing world of warcraft for hours a day.
148. Do you often wonder, when you say goodbye to people, if it is the last time you will ever see them?
No because I never see anybody lol. But online, yes I do worry about that sometimes, usually after I had an argument with the person or if its someone I don't know well.
149. What movie are you most looking forward to seeing when it comes out?
The next Chuckie movie. What is taking them so long to make it??? Also obviously the World of Warcraft movie.
150. What is your quest?
To have fun and live a better life then everyone else :D
151. What is louder and more annoying: 200 adults talking or one four-year-old screaming?
1 4 year old screaming cause the rest will just blend together and sound like background noise.
152. Do you believe the stories about planes, boats and people mysteriously disappearing into the Bermuda triangle?
Yes, theres too many stories of it happening to not believe it.
153. Who are you the most jealous of?
My ex because he seems to have a great life now and I know he doesn't deserve it.
154. What is the happiest way you can start your day?
Not sure. I guess waking up feeling refreshed and not sad about anything would be.
155. Do you ever have moments where you feel like everything is all right in the world?
Yes, but they're extremely rare.
156. Who thinks that you are offensive?
No clue of who exactly but alot of people find me offensive because of my views on revenge and stuff.
157. If you had to teach a class in something, what would you be able to teach people?
How to play World of Warcraft as a skilled player. Also could teach a course on the paranormal or on how to get revenge on someone or how to cyber stalk someone lol.
158. Have you ever had a spiritual experience (an experience that cannot be explained by science)?
Yes alot of them. Maybe I'll go into more details sometime :)
159. Do you believe that this experience was truly mystical or do you think there is some scientific explanation for it, only you don't know what it is?
Truly mystical.
160. Do you get offended easily?
Yes but its not my fault. Other people should be more careful with what they say and they shouldn't give unasked for advice or opinions.
161. Would you still love and stay with your significant other if he or she had to have a breast or testicle removed?
Yes of course, only a shallow jerk wouldn't.
162. Do you believe in fate or free will?
I believe in both to a certain extent.
163. Do you believe that only boring people get bored?
No. Everyone gets bored sometimes regardless of if they themselves are a boring person or not.
164. Can life change or are we all stuck in vain?
It depends on the person and how their life is obviously. Some people are stuck in bad situations and do to lack of skills or support or confidence cannot change their lifes. Alot of people with SA (me for one)fall into this category. Others have more life skills, support or emotional strenght and therefore can change their situations
165. What changes are you afraid of?
Growing old and getting wrinkles and gaining yet even more weight. My mom dying and me being all alone with no way to support myself. Falling in love and the person leaving me.
166. Are you a day person or nocturnal?
Neither. I can never stick to a schedule. Usually I'm up at nights though. But most of my energy I have when I wake up, it goes away the longer I'm awake, especially after I eat.
167. What one CD could you listen to for an entire week (no mixed CD’s, it must be an album)?
The Killers- Day And Age
168. Which is worse, working in retail, food service, or an office?
I've never worked in any but I'm sure its not working in an office. If I had to guess I'd say food service.
169. What's the coolest job you ever had?
Penny saver/newspaper route because it was the only job I ever had.
170. What is one central idea that your thoughts seem to come back to?
That everyone is a liar :(
171. Have you ever wanted to be an actor/tress?
Kinda at times, mostly when I was a kid.
172. If you had the power to control one person and make this person do anything you wanted for a whole day, who would you pick and what would they do?
My ex Ed. I'd make him travel all over to torture all my enemies and leave them blinded or with cut off limbs then I'd make him kill himself.
173. What star sign are you and what is your sign like?
I'm a cancer. We're supposed to be the needy, whiny, overly emotional sign lol.
174. Did the Blair Witch Project scare you?
Didn't watch it actually.
175. Are you in constant fear of death?
Nope, at least not my own. Fear my mom dying but am not in a constant state of fear over that either.
176. Does fear of death keep you from building a life?
No, does anyone even fear death that much?
177. Do you like all your movies to be in wide-screen?
Not sure what wide screen means.
178. Are you a fan of any comic books?
Nope. Never even really read any except some mario bros ones when I was a kid.
179. At what age did you attend your first funeral?
I've never been to a funeral.
180. What do you smell like (lotion, cologne, sweat)?
Nothing thankfully. Sweat=gross and so are chemicals like cologne/perfume.
181. What are your greatest sources for wisdom?
Life and observing other people.
182. When you were little, where did your parents tell you babies come from?
My friends told me actually lol. I was about 8 or 9.
183. What is your favorite band?
The Killers. They're the best band ever and anyone that doesn't like them has horrible taste,
184. What's the best cheesy 80's song?
Murry Head- One Night In Bangkok http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlL0jB0j3YA
185. What's the best kind of movie to see on a date?
There is no best kind. Just whatever both people will enjoy.
186. Do you like to sit in the front, middle or back of the Movie Theater?
Middle I guess.
187. Have you ever been inside an abandoned building?
Don't think so.
188. Under what circumstances would you agree to work for free?
That I really really enjoy the job. Which is unlikely to ever happen lol. Even if I did enjoy it, I wouldn't like having to stick to a schedule to do it.
189. Candles or strobe lights?
I have no idea what strobe lights are. But I'll chose that since I've always thought candles were a retarded idea and not in the slightest bit romantic. Strobe lights sounds kinda sexy too whatever it is.
190. Do you think the Lord of the Rings movies are true to the books or did Hollywood change the story too much?
No clue, I never watched or read any of the LOTR books or movies.
191. When you see a stranger on the street does your first reaction lean towards thinking of this person as a potential friend or as a potential threat?
Umm neither? I don't give people I'm passing by on the street that much thought.
192. Is it natural for human beings to fear and distrust each other, or is it cultural?
Cultural. We (or at least I) distrust others because of how other people act and the things they do.
193. What do you really want to buy?
A feather bed. A house lol.
194. You have to choose. Would you be happier marrying someone rich for their money or living in the streets and subway tunnels with someone you love?
I wouldn't be happy with either. I guess I'll go with the rich guy lol. Then maybe in a few years I can divorce them and get half their money then maybe I could find one I love lol.
195. If someone wanted to understand you what book could they read that would help?
I don't know. Maybe something to do with understanding people with social anxiety.
196. Do you think it’s odd that Americans have freedom of religion and yet call themselves 'one nation under god'?
Totally. We should do away with the "one nation under god" line in the pledge of allegiance. Actually that things super old anyway...someone should just write a new one.
197. In what sense are you a minority?
I'm still a virgin, have social anxiety, am not working (probably not a minority anymore in this economy lol) haven't graduated from high school, am a misanthropist, am an introvert. Wow, I'm alot of minorities lol.
198. Are you anti social?
Yes. Theres very few people I ever feel like being around and I love to be alone.
199. Do you photograph well?
No :( I think I actually look worse in photos then I do in real life.
200. Do you think that human beings would survivor through a nuclear winter?
A select few probably would, due to underground shelters or something like that.
101. What does happiness/joy feel like physically?
Sometimes it gives you energy and makes you feel like jumping up and down. Other times it makes you feel calm and relaxed.
102. List five people you love starting with the one you love the absolute most.
Well, tbh I only really love love myself, so I'll chose people I love as a person and think are awesome people.
A Myself
B My mom (eh, not that close to her but figure she deserves this spot over my best online friends or my favorite singer).
C William (blush)
D. Rich (not the Rich I used to be friends with though this one I met in wow too)
E. Brandon Flowers (lead singer of the killers hehe)
103. How many movies have you gone to see this month?
None, I never go out to see movies. Maybe if it was a super really good one I would, like if they made a new Chuckie movie. Otherwise I'm content to wait until its out on torrent sites or something.
104. If you could have 3 wishes...but none of them could be for yourself, what would you wish for?
1. For the government to come clean and tell us about the truth on ufos/aliens.
2. For all people who cheat on their spouses to catch aids and die very painful deaths with no friends or family standing by them in their time of need.
3. For teleportation to be invented and be available at an affordable price within the next 5 years.
105. In what ways do you relax and de-stress when you are really tense?
When I'm really stressed out over something I obsess about it and there is no possible way for me to relax :( If I'm just a little upset though I try to escape into world of warcraft by doing solo things while pretending to be afk, or I watch videos on youtube.
106. How much money would it take to get you to drive to school naked in the springtime and get out of the car?
I don't go to school lol. So I wouldn't know anyone there lol so I'd do it for 100,000. It would be probably at least quadruple that if I attended the school and knew people there.
107. Have you ever killed an animal?
Only insects.
108. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
Many people but none through death which is what I believe this question is asking.
109. What do you think of cloning?
Cloning for parts is I think a bit ethically wrong but could be a good thing for say people that have lost an arm or a leg in an accident or something and things like that assuming of course they aren't cloning an actual living person to take these parts. Cloning for the sake of bringing back people like elvis could be good in a way but wouldn't be fair to the person being cloned so I don't believe it should be done ever.
110. Do you read or watch TV more often?
Hmm. Not sure how to define either. Watch tv could also mean watching old shows on youtube and stuff and reading do you mean reading books or reading things? Because I read alot of fanfiction and other stuff online like forum posts and I also watch alot of stuff on youtube. Well I watch more tv as in sitting in front of the big flat screen thingy then I do reading books. As for reading and watching stuff online though, I think I read a little bit more stuff online then I do watch shows.
111. With all this talk of terrorism going around are you willing to sacrifice rights and freedoms for increased safety?
Depends what rights and freedoms I guess. I don't mind going through metal detectors and stuff like that. I would however mind being strip searched because I happened to be at an airport where an anonymous bomb threat was made or having the government tap my phone or crap like that.
112. What is the punishment you would come up with for Osama Bin Laden if you caught him alive?
Amputate his arms and legs and stick him in a prison cell.
113. Have you ever named an individual part of your body?
I named my boobs before years ago but I forgot what I named them.
114. Have you ever been on the radio or on TV?
Yes, both. On the radio for like 10 seconds to say the name of song and artist I requested, was maybe 10 years ago lol. On tv as a kid for some telethon thing on our local access channel.
115. Have you ever won a lottery, or sweepstakes?
Have won free lotto tickets before lol. And omg one time I had 3 of the numbers and another 2 numbers were 1 off and another was like 10 or so off. I almost was a millionaire :(
116. Have you ever won a contest or competition?
Yes when I was a kid I won a coloring contest :D And I got a wagon from it. That was one of the most happiest days of my childhood.
117. Do you like to watch The Joy of Painting show with Bob Ross (check out this link if you don't know who he is. Also please note me if you notice the link is broken) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Ross_(painter)?
Have never watched it. If I ever decide to learn how to paint though I will.
118. Do you know what your grandparents and your great grand parents did for a living?
I have no clue what any of them did. Wish I knew more about my family :/
119. Is there anything really interesting in your family history?
My mom says we're related to Harry Houdini, he is a great uncle or something on my grandmas side.
120. Is there anyone you trust completely?
Nope. Probably not even myself.... :(
121. Have you ever lost someone without having the chance to say goodbye?
Many people, but if you mean by death then no I haven't.
122. How do you feel about women in politics?
The same as I feel about men in politics. Bored.
123. Would you rather have an indoor Jacuzzi or an outdoor pool?
Well I can't swim and pools have more of a germish factor to them. I've never been in a jacuzzi before though but I'd chose jacuzzi because they have temp control and seem cleaner to me. I bet a jacuzzi would be fun for other things too hehehe :D
124. What things are you interested in that you study or read about on your own?
Anything to do with World of Warcraft. Paranormalish stuff (mostly aliens/ufos). Other weird stuff. Tv shows and bands I like. People I stalk lol.
125. Would you consider yourself to be intelligent?
No not really :(
126. Would you consider yourself to be wise?
Yes, I'd say I'm more wise then 99% of people. But it seems to do me more harm then good. :(
127. Have you ever given or received a lap dance?
Nope. Anyone wanna volunteer? ;)
128. Have you ever spoken to a homeless person?
Can't remember, one said god bless to me though after I gave him change.
129. Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring?
Yes :D But only if I had someone to go with.
130. If you could add 70 years to your life but only by making some random person die 70 years sooner would you?
Probably not, I don't want to live to be 200 or some crazy number like that.
131. Can you finish any of the following lyrics?
A: Nothing to kill or die for...
No world worth living in? (I'm probably wrong here but I know what song it is)
B: Late comings with the late comin' stretcher...
No clue. Sounds like a crap song though.
C: I could make a film and make you my star...
my porno star forever..
Kidding. Never heard that song either.
132. Were you ever with someone while they died?
Not a person no.
133. Would you rather be a world political leader or a rock star?
Rock star. Sounds worlds funner.
134. Have you ever given someone a love letter that you wrote?
Haha nope.
135. Have you ever sent someone a surprise though the mail?
136. Are you looking forward to any concerts right now?
Nope again.
137. Of all animated movies, which is the best one you've ever seen?
I don't really like or care for any animated movies. Maybe 1 of the Sailor Moon ones I saw.
138. What are the best bands or songs to listen to while driving?
I'm gonna chose my favorite bands The Killers and Jesus Jones. Cause they rock.
139. What do you think is the most amazing thing that anyone has ever accomplished?
Inventing the Internet.
140. What could a member of the opposite sex do to impress you?
Other then the obvious of being a good conversationalist and compatible with me?
Bring a weigi board on our first date or dress up as a world of warcraft character. Take me to do something fun and not a boring dinner and a movie date.
141. About how many emails do you get a day?
A shitload, 99.9% of them junk.
How many of those emails are junk mail?
See above.
How many of them are forwards?
None. I hate people that do that crap. Have had online friends in the past who were retarded enough to but thankfully no longer have any dumb friends like that.
142. What's your favorite thing to do online besides write in your diary and hang out at this site?
Play world of warcraft :D And chat on IM, mostly to one person in particular.
143. Do you believe Kurt Cobain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Cobain) killed himself or was it a conspiracy?
Undecided. But I do think maybe Courtney might've had something to do with his death.
144. Have you ever though about hitchhiking across the country?
Yes. It sounds kinda fun in a way, but I would never do it. I'm not trusting enough to get into any strangers car, let alone several strangers cars.
145. Who would you bring with you on this kind of a road trip?
Will! <3
146. Of the following, which word best describes you: accurate, bold,
charming, dependable
Accurate because I'm always right :D
147. If you are single, at about what age do you think you will be ready to settle down and get married? If you are married, how old were you at the time?
Hmm I don't know. A part of me worries that I've been alone for so long that I wouldn't be able to settle down and get married. I've grown to really like my alone time :/ Settle down? Whats that mean exactly? I'll never be ready to settle down if it means working some 9-5 job and not playing world of warcraft for hours a day.
148. Do you often wonder, when you say goodbye to people, if it is the last time you will ever see them?
No because I never see anybody lol. But online, yes I do worry about that sometimes, usually after I had an argument with the person or if its someone I don't know well.
149. What movie are you most looking forward to seeing when it comes out?
The next Chuckie movie. What is taking them so long to make it??? Also obviously the World of Warcraft movie.
150. What is your quest?
To have fun and live a better life then everyone else :D
151. What is louder and more annoying: 200 adults talking or one four-year-old screaming?
1 4 year old screaming cause the rest will just blend together and sound like background noise.
152. Do you believe the stories about planes, boats and people mysteriously disappearing into the Bermuda triangle?
Yes, theres too many stories of it happening to not believe it.
153. Who are you the most jealous of?
My ex because he seems to have a great life now and I know he doesn't deserve it.
154. What is the happiest way you can start your day?
Not sure. I guess waking up feeling refreshed and not sad about anything would be.
155. Do you ever have moments where you feel like everything is all right in the world?
Yes, but they're extremely rare.
156. Who thinks that you are offensive?
No clue of who exactly but alot of people find me offensive because of my views on revenge and stuff.
157. If you had to teach a class in something, what would you be able to teach people?
How to play World of Warcraft as a skilled player. Also could teach a course on the paranormal or on how to get revenge on someone or how to cyber stalk someone lol.
158. Have you ever had a spiritual experience (an experience that cannot be explained by science)?
Yes alot of them. Maybe I'll go into more details sometime :)
159. Do you believe that this experience was truly mystical or do you think there is some scientific explanation for it, only you don't know what it is?
Truly mystical.
160. Do you get offended easily?
Yes but its not my fault. Other people should be more careful with what they say and they shouldn't give unasked for advice or opinions.
161. Would you still love and stay with your significant other if he or she had to have a breast or testicle removed?
Yes of course, only a shallow jerk wouldn't.
162. Do you believe in fate or free will?
I believe in both to a certain extent.
163. Do you believe that only boring people get bored?
No. Everyone gets bored sometimes regardless of if they themselves are a boring person or not.
164. Can life change or are we all stuck in vain?
It depends on the person and how their life is obviously. Some people are stuck in bad situations and do to lack of skills or support or confidence cannot change their lifes. Alot of people with SA (me for one)fall into this category. Others have more life skills, support or emotional strenght and therefore can change their situations
165. What changes are you afraid of?
Growing old and getting wrinkles and gaining yet even more weight. My mom dying and me being all alone with no way to support myself. Falling in love and the person leaving me.
166. Are you a day person or nocturnal?
Neither. I can never stick to a schedule. Usually I'm up at nights though. But most of my energy I have when I wake up, it goes away the longer I'm awake, especially after I eat.
167. What one CD could you listen to for an entire week (no mixed CD’s, it must be an album)?
The Killers- Day And Age
168. Which is worse, working in retail, food service, or an office?
I've never worked in any but I'm sure its not working in an office. If I had to guess I'd say food service.
169. What's the coolest job you ever had?
Penny saver/newspaper route because it was the only job I ever had.
170. What is one central idea that your thoughts seem to come back to?
That everyone is a liar :(
171. Have you ever wanted to be an actor/tress?
Kinda at times, mostly when I was a kid.
172. If you had the power to control one person and make this person do anything you wanted for a whole day, who would you pick and what would they do?
My ex Ed. I'd make him travel all over to torture all my enemies and leave them blinded or with cut off limbs then I'd make him kill himself.
173. What star sign are you and what is your sign like?
I'm a cancer. We're supposed to be the needy, whiny, overly emotional sign lol.
174. Did the Blair Witch Project scare you?
Didn't watch it actually.
175. Are you in constant fear of death?
Nope, at least not my own. Fear my mom dying but am not in a constant state of fear over that either.
176. Does fear of death keep you from building a life?
No, does anyone even fear death that much?
177. Do you like all your movies to be in wide-screen?
Not sure what wide screen means.
178. Are you a fan of any comic books?
Nope. Never even really read any except some mario bros ones when I was a kid.
179. At what age did you attend your first funeral?
I've never been to a funeral.
180. What do you smell like (lotion, cologne, sweat)?
Nothing thankfully. Sweat=gross and so are chemicals like cologne/perfume.
181. What are your greatest sources for wisdom?
Life and observing other people.
182. When you were little, where did your parents tell you babies come from?
My friends told me actually lol. I was about 8 or 9.
183. What is your favorite band?
The Killers. They're the best band ever and anyone that doesn't like them has horrible taste,
184. What's the best cheesy 80's song?
Murry Head- One Night In Bangkok http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlL0jB0j3YA
185. What's the best kind of movie to see on a date?
There is no best kind. Just whatever both people will enjoy.
186. Do you like to sit in the front, middle or back of the Movie Theater?
Middle I guess.
187. Have you ever been inside an abandoned building?
Don't think so.
188. Under what circumstances would you agree to work for free?
That I really really enjoy the job. Which is unlikely to ever happen lol. Even if I did enjoy it, I wouldn't like having to stick to a schedule to do it.
189. Candles or strobe lights?
I have no idea what strobe lights are. But I'll chose that since I've always thought candles were a retarded idea and not in the slightest bit romantic. Strobe lights sounds kinda sexy too whatever it is.
190. Do you think the Lord of the Rings movies are true to the books or did Hollywood change the story too much?
No clue, I never watched or read any of the LOTR books or movies.
191. When you see a stranger on the street does your first reaction lean towards thinking of this person as a potential friend or as a potential threat?
Umm neither? I don't give people I'm passing by on the street that much thought.
192. Is it natural for human beings to fear and distrust each other, or is it cultural?
Cultural. We (or at least I) distrust others because of how other people act and the things they do.
193. What do you really want to buy?
A feather bed. A house lol.
194. You have to choose. Would you be happier marrying someone rich for their money or living in the streets and subway tunnels with someone you love?
I wouldn't be happy with either. I guess I'll go with the rich guy lol. Then maybe in a few years I can divorce them and get half their money then maybe I could find one I love lol.
195. If someone wanted to understand you what book could they read that would help?
I don't know. Maybe something to do with understanding people with social anxiety.
196. Do you think it’s odd that Americans have freedom of religion and yet call themselves 'one nation under god'?
Totally. We should do away with the "one nation under god" line in the pledge of allegiance. Actually that things super old anyway...someone should just write a new one.
197. In what sense are you a minority?
I'm still a virgin, have social anxiety, am not working (probably not a minority anymore in this economy lol) haven't graduated from high school, am a misanthropist, am an introvert. Wow, I'm alot of minorities lol.
198. Are you anti social?
Yes. Theres very few people I ever feel like being around and I love to be alone.
199. Do you photograph well?
No :( I think I actually look worse in photos then I do in real life.
200. Do you think that human beings would survivor through a nuclear winter?
A select few probably would, due to underground shelters or something like that.
5000 question survey,
about me,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
5000 questions my answers part 1
My fans and friends will love this :D I've decided to take the longest survey ever, the famous 5000 question one! Heres part 1, I can only do this 100 questions at a time, because no matter how awesome I am 5000 questions at once is just too much for me! Here's the link to it btw, I expect you all to take it too :) http://5000questionsur.livejournal.com
Part one
1. Who are you?
My friends know who I am, I'd rather not give this info to my stalker :P
2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?
- I'm a good 1-1 conversationalist online and I hate it when other people don't contribute to keep the conversation going. I can talk about just about anything though, except for boring things like politics or history lol. I could even spend hours describing cartoon episodes I like and talking about things I did as a child. It upsets me when other people can't make conversation. Mostly I like to talk about wow though and tv shows I watch. But even if someone doesn't play wow I can still hold a conversation with them (unless like 99% of people they suck at it). For example if someone goes on a trip they should be able to reply with more then just "ok" or "great" when I ask how it went and if they do reply like that then when I ask them what they did on it they should say more then "went to seaworld or w/e". If it was me that had went on the vacation I'd reply way better then 99% of people I'd say what I did while at seaworld, etc.
- Not to lie to me because I always find it out and when I do you will be cut out of my life quicker then you can snap your fingers and I will also make you pay for it.
- I'm not interested in being friends with people who aren't misanthropist, anyone who can't see that the majority of people are bad is either 1. extremely naive or (more likely) 2. not a good person themselves and therefore not a good judge on whether the vast majority of people are or not.
3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing?
Playing world of warcraft usually. If not that then posting or viewing some forum. watching tv or youtube, blogging, chatting on msn, or cyber stalking someone lol. If I'm not online then I'm either sleeping, cooking, eating, or showering.
4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time).
Gosh thats more then 10 years ago now. Well let me think...
Art, english, science, french/spanish, math, gym
5. What is your biggest goal for this year?
To hit 8000 achievement points in WOW. Eventually I'd like to have the highest achievement score on my realm but that might be a bit unrealistic because the highest person on my realm so far is already near 10k points and I'm not even at 7500 yet.
6. Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Not sure how to answer this because I'm not exactly sure what this question means. But I'd like to be living in a house with much more privacy and where my mom couldn't hear everything I'm doing. But more so I'd like to actually have met my soulmate and be living with and married to them. I was gonna answer more but since this question asks where you want to be and not what you want or how you want to be I'll leave it at that. Since this survey has 5000 questions I'm sure their will most likely be other questions that asks that.
7. What stage of life are you in right now?
Well not sure how to answer this one either, I'm 27. I don't work or go to school so in some ways I'm in the toddler stage. I'm silly and like video games so in some ways I'm in the child stage. I'm awkward and pissed at the world so in some ways I'm in the teenager stage. I'm mature in how I act so in some ways I'm in the adult stage. I'm wise and knowledgable about the world so in some ways I'm in the old person stage. So all of the above? lol.
8. Are you more child-like or childish?
I'm not childish because to me that means immature, and I'm defiantly not immature. I'm not sure if I'm child-like either because that to me means being naive and also to be excited easily about things, and I'm definitely not naive, sometimes I get excited easily though, depends on my mood. But being child-like can also mean to have a playful/silly nature and that is me. So if I had to chose I'd definitely say I'm more child-like then childish.
9. What is the last thing you said out loud?
Probably "It's so damn hot in here".
10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now?
Nowhere Girl by Bmovie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L10MCIP5niA&feature=related
11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes?
No I haven't and have no interest in it now. However I wish I'd had some as a kid maybe then I could've beaten up some of the kids that used to pick on me.
12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same?
It varies but usually stays the same, followed closely by worst, and finally by better. The past few years though its either been the same or worse except for brief periods.
13. Does time really heal all wounds?
Hell no, some things can't be healed, ever, Time does heal alot of wounds though. For me it heals them but never fully and it leaves a big nasty scar on my soul.
14. How do you handle a rainy day?
A rainy day doesn't effect me any since I'm in the house 24/7 regardless. But if I did have plans(lol) it would depend on what they were. But most likely wouldn't change them unless it was a really bad t storm. I love the rain actually, I wish it rained more and made that annoying big orange ball in the sky hide more often.
15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?
Losing your luggage for sure. If I were going on a trip I'd bring along my favorite clothes and cds and a portable cd player (I'm one of those few people without an ipod) and I wouldn't wanna any of it. Sorting out holiday lights is no big deal...if they gave me too much trouble I'd just chuck them out and order new ones. But I can't imagine it taking too long to untangle them. Then again I haven't had to untangle christmas lights since I was a kid.
16. How is your relationship with your parents?
With my mother its alright I guess. She's far from the best mom though and if I didn't live with her I probably wouldn't talk to her all that often. I can't really forgive her for being so poor when I grew up. She should've gotten a job long before I was almost 18. I got made fun of mercilessly in school about my buck teeth because we couldn't afford braces. She also put me in a psyc ward when I was 14 because I was breaking things. To this day I hold that against her...she said 1 day I would thank her for it, well that day will never come. The problem should've been fixed by fixing the cause (getting my teeth fixed and cable tv, nice clothes, getting kids in school to stop bullying me, etc, things all teens should have) not by forcing me in a psych ward and on meds. Anyway I'm getting my revenge on her now in a way since I'm an adult and shes supporting me (well I get SSI too but I'm still living at home, plus SSI don't pay for much). Anyway my mom and I have never been close even when I was a kid.
With my father, non existent, he hasn't been in my life since I was 7 or 8. He never bothered to pay child support and when I was a child he even denied I was his in court. But then when I was a teen and an adult a few times he's gone up to my mom or me saying he still loves us blah blah blah. I even had friends with me a few times and it was soooo embarrassing. I hate him and its far too late now, he will never be a part of my life.
Will you miss them when they are gone?
My mother I will. My father I won't give a crap, except I hope he dies very unhappy and it would make me angry if he didn't.
17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you?
I'm very aware because I find it hard to tune out outside noises.
18. What is the truest thing that you know?
That every human living right now will one day die.
19. What did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was little I just wanted to be a housewife with a rich husband. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a disc jocky.
20. Have you ever been given a second chance?
I guess this means romantically. Yes I have though after breaking up with my bfs at the time and regretting it I asked for 1. I made a mistake in asking though because even though they did take me back they still didn't change the things that made me break up with them in the first place.
21. Are you more of a giver or a taker?
Taker I think. I used to be more giving but I learned the hard way that I shouldn't be so nice.
22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?
To a point. I'm not very open minded when it comes to some things because I learned from experience not to be. Like for example when it comes to being friends with say an optimist, I'm not open minded about that because every single one I've been or tried to be friends with ended up being either a jerk or judgemental.
23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
Getting stung by a bee when I was 8. Or maybe falling off my bike and landing hard on my forehead when I was also 8. I've been a bit lucky in that I've never broken or sprained anything.
24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you?
This is hard to say. When my last online ex broke up with me was very painful. When a few months after that my best friend that I knew since I was 7 betrayed me by lying (I found out he was pretending to be another person online) was painful too. When my favoritest cat ever Furby died years ago that was very painful too. And when I found out my last close friend months ago was lying to me about many things and that friendship ended was painful too. I can't really chose what of the above was the most painful.
25. Who have you hugged today?
I haven't hugged anybody this year, let alone today. :(
26. Who has done something today to show they care about you?
Uhhhhhh. Someone had a dream about me last night if that counts lol.
27. Do you have a lot to learn?
Kind of. I'm very very wise but theres alot of intellectual things I don't know and I need to learn how to budget money and take care of myself.
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
A. Learn how to take care of myself and be independent.
B. Learn how to hack other people and places without getting caught.
C. Learn how to make awesome youtube videos.
29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel?
I remember all. I guess what they do though because I remember more things in my life that I've done with people then actual conversations or things people said to me. And even now thinking back I remember the crappy things people I was once close to did more then the things they said to me or how it made me feel.
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship?
Honesty, similar values/beliefs and simular interests and most importantly putting each other before anyone and anything else. These are the only things that every relationship needs, the rest all depends on the 2 people involved.
31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die?
1. Fall in love with my perfect match who would be my soulmate
2. Get married to said soulmate
3. Be able to say and know its true that I lived a better and happier life then anybody that ever hurt me in any way.
32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing?
A Being alone in the world with no family or close friends (which will probably happen after my mother dies)
B Getiing really old and losing my mind.
C Getting really old and being in physical pain due to disease or something.
33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause?
No sex before marriage...it causes a good bit of the problems in the world.
34. What does each decade make you think of:
The 19..
20's: fluffy dresses, musicals
30's: radio, my grandma, war of the worlds
40's: roswell, aliens, ufos, government conspiracy
50's: elvis, my mom, black and white tv
60's: hippies, pot
70's: bad hair, funny clothes
80's: big hair, my early childhood, the smurfs, new wave, mtv
90's: computers, internet, high school, rap, grunge rock, kurt cobain, brit pop
2000's (so far): internet, cell phones, ipods, reality tv
2010's: robots, last season of lost :(, getting older
35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?
1990s because the ages of 8-11 were then for me and those were sadly the best years of my life.
36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song?
The Kings, Switching To Glide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTjG8E1utyA
37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country?
USA and Obama is the president.
If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?
"Does the government have any knowledge of aliens visiting us and is the government working with them?" Not that I'd really expect a truthful answer lol but I could at least have some idea of if he's lying by reading his body language.
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?
Don't really have 1. Maybe sci-fi or crime channel though if I had to pick one.
39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why?
I don't really know of any disney villians sigh...let me go look some up.
Ok...after reading the char bios at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_Villains I'll say Aunt Sarah from Lady In The Tramp because I love cats and if I was ever a mother in law I'd probably be a huge busybody lol.
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?
Nope, I probably would've liked it though as a kid.
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?
I assume flying would be much faster and I'd probably get seasick so fly.
42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night?
Cause the sun lights the sky up during the daytime, duh.
43. What does your name mean?
Crowned one.
Which I should be crowned..crowned ruler of the world hehe. I don't really like my name though just the meaning.
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space?
Outer space for sure...who would chose the ocean?!
45. Word association
What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: clouds
Meat: steak
Different: me
Pink: babies
Deserve: me
White: wedding
Elvis: presley
Magic: wand
Heart: red
Clash: music
Pulp: fiction
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be?
Would be a tough choice between Albert Einstein and Jesus Christ but I think I'd chose Jesus. I'd wanna ask him about religion and who goes to hell and about reincarnation and life on other planets and if their are other universes and all kinds of questions that only God or Jesus would know. Of course we my luck I'd meet him and find out he was just a regular man good at tricking people. Still would be worth it though just to know that.
47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive?
My soulmate heh.
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
Theres a few movies I think are awesome but none of them are that awesome.
49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do?
I'd bring a laptop and a portable tv but I don't have either so I guess I'd bring as many books as possible to read.
50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?
I saved a baby birds life before when I was 11 if that counts.
51. Make up a definition for the following silly words...
Fruitgoogle: A person obsessed with stalking people on google.
Ambytime: Club dancing time.
Asscactus: A mean person who is also ugly.
52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?
Uhh...myself orgasm? I don't know oh probably dinner I guess.
53. What was your favorite toy as a child?
My wagon I was soooooo happy when I won it in a contest when I was 9.
54. How many TV’s are in your house?
1 in use thats less then a year old and 1 in storage thats a couple years old.
55. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Look for UFOs in the sky hehe.
56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow?
Rainbows don't effect how I feel but I think they're pretty.
57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true?
I have, have dreamt that people were lying to me about certain things and it turned out to be true.
58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader?
No but I'd love to go to one, I'd just have to research them some first to make sure they weren't one of the many phonies.
59. What is your idea of paradise?
A place where no one is mean or lies to anybody. Where everyone likes everybody and where theres alot to do and you're never bored.
60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like?
I believe that there is not one God god but rather we're all in a way gods. I believe that we get reincarnated over and over until we learn and experience all that we need to then we become gods (but I'd call them spirit guides) who help others to achive godness.
61. Do you believe in Hell?
Yes but not in the bibical sense. I believe hell is a place of punishment where only the worst of the worst go and that nobody no matter how bad stays there for eternity.
62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't?
Gone over 6 months without leaving the house lol.
63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
Not sure :/ Probably rescusing stray cats and keeping them as pets.
64. Are you a patient person?
Not really. I don't like waiting for other people and they shouldn't be rude enough to make me wait. Waiting for things annoys me too.
65. What holiday should exist but doesn't?
Revenge day....a day where its considered socially acceptable to get revenge and where those who've wronged people are scared to leave the house.
66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does?
Valentines day. It's a retarded idea of a holiday that only serves to depress single people and make people in relationships feel obligated to spend money. There should be no designated day to show the one you love how you feel, you should be doing it everyday, maybe not buying stuff everyday but buy it on your anniverserys or just when you're feeling especially grateful, not because hallmark tells you to.
67. What's the best joke you ever heard?
Hmm I don't know but here's a good one:
A girl is falling asleep in her R:E lesson at school and her teacher wants to catch her out so she asks her a question,
"Amy, who invented the Earth?"
so the boy next to her trys to wake her up by poking her with his pencil and she sits up and screams,
"God Almighty"
"Thats right" the teacher replies.
A little while later Amy starts to fall asleep again so the teacher trys to catch her out again with another question.
"Amy, what was the name of the lords son?"
Again, the boy next to her pokes her with his pencil.
"Jesus christ" Amy shouts.
"thats right" the teacher replies, now starting to get annoyed.
Once more, Amy falls asleep so the teacher trys one more time.
"Amy, what did eve say to adam after they had there 21st child"
the boy next to her pokes her again.
Amy then shouts......For f**k sake, if you poke me with that once more im going to snap it and stick it up your ass.
68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been?
The local fair with a friend when I was like 10.
69. Is your hair natural or dyed?
My hair is dark brown and its natural...I swear the sunlightened it though because it was black when I was a kid.
70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front?
I'm pretty upfront mostly I mean look how much I reveal here for one.
71. What is under your bed right now?
72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home?
Depends but if its like in the movie I'd wanna go home, after staying there for at least a few days or weeks and exploring and gathering proof I'd been there.
73. If you drive do you frequently speed?
I don't drive.
74. What is the world's best song to dance to?
75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?
I've never danced with anybody.
76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers?
Warner Brothers.
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
No but I've never had the chance so I can't be sure I wouldn't be.
79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off?
I don't see why we would, I think weather would just all stay the same everywhere on earth then.
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it?
Play World Of Warcraft.
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick?
One right. Definatly would chose right to smoke if that counts as a "right". It does no good to anyone and its so gross and I hate second hand smoke.
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole?
Well north pole is cooooold and completly covered in ice so I'll have to say the equator.
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
Watching television of course...I could still watch all my favorite shows online or download them off a torrent site :D Is that cheating? Oh well.
84. What do you think makes someone a hero?
Being brave and doing something that helps others even though it scares you.
85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in?
Powerpuff Girls. I'd be the 4th, evil powerpuff girl whose special ingrediant would be chemical x thrus making me stronger then all 3 puffs and I'd take over the world with the help of Mojo Jojo!
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
The smell of shit.
87. What was the last thing you paid for?
I don't remember lol...my mom pays for everything. Probably when I bought my last CD online last year which would be The Killers album Day & Age
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
89. Get anything good in the mail recently?
No :(
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling?
Bowling I guess. They all sound pretty boring though, especially dancing.
91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So...
Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends?
No because we're more then memories, we have souls and you aren't the same person just because you have all their memories. And even if we don't have souls, I know I'm here and I'm me, no one else can ever be me.
92. What insects are you afraid of?
All of them. *shudder*
93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say?
"Pessimists are the true realists."
94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn?
Err I dunno, different colorerd show laces (pink on one shoe and white on the other) in 6th grade)
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be?
Cheese because I put it on almost everything. Hardly a day goes by that I don't eat cheese in some form.
96. What are your parents interested in?
My mom has an interest in all things paranormal like me, she is also interested in true crime, board games, dogs, monkeys, smoking and writing.
I have no clue what mr. deadbeat is interested in.
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
Ewww no.
Have you ever caught and tamed a wild animal?
Lol, no.
98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans?
Wishes because my plans never work out right.
99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest?
No clue what this means. I feel the most energetic when I first wake up though.
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?
A water bottle, blankets, a laptop if I had one but since I don't I'd bring bug spray. Would sure be one long scary night.
Part one
1. Who are you?
My friends know who I am, I'd rather not give this info to my stalker :P
2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?
- I'm a good 1-1 conversationalist online and I hate it when other people don't contribute to keep the conversation going. I can talk about just about anything though, except for boring things like politics or history lol. I could even spend hours describing cartoon episodes I like and talking about things I did as a child. It upsets me when other people can't make conversation. Mostly I like to talk about wow though and tv shows I watch. But even if someone doesn't play wow I can still hold a conversation with them (unless like 99% of people they suck at it). For example if someone goes on a trip they should be able to reply with more then just "ok" or "great" when I ask how it went and if they do reply like that then when I ask them what they did on it they should say more then "went to seaworld or w/e". If it was me that had went on the vacation I'd reply way better then 99% of people I'd say what I did while at seaworld, etc.
- Not to lie to me because I always find it out and when I do you will be cut out of my life quicker then you can snap your fingers and I will also make you pay for it.
- I'm not interested in being friends with people who aren't misanthropist, anyone who can't see that the majority of people are bad is either 1. extremely naive or (more likely) 2. not a good person themselves and therefore not a good judge on whether the vast majority of people are or not.
3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing?
Playing world of warcraft usually. If not that then posting or viewing some forum. watching tv or youtube, blogging, chatting on msn, or cyber stalking someone lol. If I'm not online then I'm either sleeping, cooking, eating, or showering.
4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time).
Gosh thats more then 10 years ago now. Well let me think...
Art, english, science, french/spanish, math, gym
5. What is your biggest goal for this year?
To hit 8000 achievement points in WOW. Eventually I'd like to have the highest achievement score on my realm but that might be a bit unrealistic because the highest person on my realm so far is already near 10k points and I'm not even at 7500 yet.
6. Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Not sure how to answer this because I'm not exactly sure what this question means. But I'd like to be living in a house with much more privacy and where my mom couldn't hear everything I'm doing. But more so I'd like to actually have met my soulmate and be living with and married to them. I was gonna answer more but since this question asks where you want to be and not what you want or how you want to be I'll leave it at that. Since this survey has 5000 questions I'm sure their will most likely be other questions that asks that.
7. What stage of life are you in right now?
Well not sure how to answer this one either, I'm 27. I don't work or go to school so in some ways I'm in the toddler stage. I'm silly and like video games so in some ways I'm in the child stage. I'm awkward and pissed at the world so in some ways I'm in the teenager stage. I'm mature in how I act so in some ways I'm in the adult stage. I'm wise and knowledgable about the world so in some ways I'm in the old person stage. So all of the above? lol.
8. Are you more child-like or childish?
I'm not childish because to me that means immature, and I'm defiantly not immature. I'm not sure if I'm child-like either because that to me means being naive and also to be excited easily about things, and I'm definitely not naive, sometimes I get excited easily though, depends on my mood. But being child-like can also mean to have a playful/silly nature and that is me. So if I had to chose I'd definitely say I'm more child-like then childish.
9. What is the last thing you said out loud?
Probably "It's so damn hot in here".
10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now?
Nowhere Girl by Bmovie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L10MCIP5niA&feature=related
11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes?
No I haven't and have no interest in it now. However I wish I'd had some as a kid maybe then I could've beaten up some of the kids that used to pick on me.
12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same?
It varies but usually stays the same, followed closely by worst, and finally by better. The past few years though its either been the same or worse except for brief periods.
13. Does time really heal all wounds?
Hell no, some things can't be healed, ever, Time does heal alot of wounds though. For me it heals them but never fully and it leaves a big nasty scar on my soul.
14. How do you handle a rainy day?
A rainy day doesn't effect me any since I'm in the house 24/7 regardless. But if I did have plans(lol) it would depend on what they were. But most likely wouldn't change them unless it was a really bad t storm. I love the rain actually, I wish it rained more and made that annoying big orange ball in the sky hide more often.
15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?
Losing your luggage for sure. If I were going on a trip I'd bring along my favorite clothes and cds and a portable cd player (I'm one of those few people without an ipod) and I wouldn't wanna any of it. Sorting out holiday lights is no big deal...if they gave me too much trouble I'd just chuck them out and order new ones. But I can't imagine it taking too long to untangle them. Then again I haven't had to untangle christmas lights since I was a kid.
16. How is your relationship with your parents?
With my mother its alright I guess. She's far from the best mom though and if I didn't live with her I probably wouldn't talk to her all that often. I can't really forgive her for being so poor when I grew up. She should've gotten a job long before I was almost 18. I got made fun of mercilessly in school about my buck teeth because we couldn't afford braces. She also put me in a psyc ward when I was 14 because I was breaking things. To this day I hold that against her...she said 1 day I would thank her for it, well that day will never come. The problem should've been fixed by fixing the cause (getting my teeth fixed and cable tv, nice clothes, getting kids in school to stop bullying me, etc, things all teens should have) not by forcing me in a psych ward and on meds. Anyway I'm getting my revenge on her now in a way since I'm an adult and shes supporting me (well I get SSI too but I'm still living at home, plus SSI don't pay for much). Anyway my mom and I have never been close even when I was a kid.
With my father, non existent, he hasn't been in my life since I was 7 or 8. He never bothered to pay child support and when I was a child he even denied I was his in court. But then when I was a teen and an adult a few times he's gone up to my mom or me saying he still loves us blah blah blah. I even had friends with me a few times and it was soooo embarrassing. I hate him and its far too late now, he will never be a part of my life.
Will you miss them when they are gone?
My mother I will. My father I won't give a crap, except I hope he dies very unhappy and it would make me angry if he didn't.
17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you?
I'm very aware because I find it hard to tune out outside noises.
18. What is the truest thing that you know?
That every human living right now will one day die.
19. What did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was little I just wanted to be a housewife with a rich husband. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a disc jocky.
20. Have you ever been given a second chance?
I guess this means romantically. Yes I have though after breaking up with my bfs at the time and regretting it I asked for 1. I made a mistake in asking though because even though they did take me back they still didn't change the things that made me break up with them in the first place.
21. Are you more of a giver or a taker?
Taker I think. I used to be more giving but I learned the hard way that I shouldn't be so nice.
22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?
To a point. I'm not very open minded when it comes to some things because I learned from experience not to be. Like for example when it comes to being friends with say an optimist, I'm not open minded about that because every single one I've been or tried to be friends with ended up being either a jerk or judgemental.
23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
Getting stung by a bee when I was 8. Or maybe falling off my bike and landing hard on my forehead when I was also 8. I've been a bit lucky in that I've never broken or sprained anything.
24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you?
This is hard to say. When my last online ex broke up with me was very painful. When a few months after that my best friend that I knew since I was 7 betrayed me by lying (I found out he was pretending to be another person online) was painful too. When my favoritest cat ever Furby died years ago that was very painful too. And when I found out my last close friend months ago was lying to me about many things and that friendship ended was painful too. I can't really chose what of the above was the most painful.
25. Who have you hugged today?
I haven't hugged anybody this year, let alone today. :(
26. Who has done something today to show they care about you?
Uhhhhhh. Someone had a dream about me last night if that counts lol.
27. Do you have a lot to learn?
Kind of. I'm very very wise but theres alot of intellectual things I don't know and I need to learn how to budget money and take care of myself.
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
A. Learn how to take care of myself and be independent.
B. Learn how to hack other people and places without getting caught.
C. Learn how to make awesome youtube videos.
29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel?
I remember all. I guess what they do though because I remember more things in my life that I've done with people then actual conversations or things people said to me. And even now thinking back I remember the crappy things people I was once close to did more then the things they said to me or how it made me feel.
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship?
Honesty, similar values/beliefs and simular interests and most importantly putting each other before anyone and anything else. These are the only things that every relationship needs, the rest all depends on the 2 people involved.
31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die?
1. Fall in love with my perfect match who would be my soulmate
2. Get married to said soulmate
3. Be able to say and know its true that I lived a better and happier life then anybody that ever hurt me in any way.
32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing?
A Being alone in the world with no family or close friends (which will probably happen after my mother dies)
B Getiing really old and losing my mind.
C Getting really old and being in physical pain due to disease or something.
33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause?
No sex before marriage...it causes a good bit of the problems in the world.
34. What does each decade make you think of:
The 19..
20's: fluffy dresses, musicals
30's: radio, my grandma, war of the worlds
40's: roswell, aliens, ufos, government conspiracy
50's: elvis, my mom, black and white tv
60's: hippies, pot
70's: bad hair, funny clothes
80's: big hair, my early childhood, the smurfs, new wave, mtv
90's: computers, internet, high school, rap, grunge rock, kurt cobain, brit pop
2000's (so far): internet, cell phones, ipods, reality tv
2010's: robots, last season of lost :(, getting older
35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?
1990s because the ages of 8-11 were then for me and those were sadly the best years of my life.
36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song?
The Kings, Switching To Glide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTjG8E1utyA
37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country?
USA and Obama is the president.
If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?
"Does the government have any knowledge of aliens visiting us and is the government working with them?" Not that I'd really expect a truthful answer lol but I could at least have some idea of if he's lying by reading his body language.
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?
Don't really have 1. Maybe sci-fi or crime channel though if I had to pick one.
39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why?
I don't really know of any disney villians sigh...let me go look some up.
Ok...after reading the char bios at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_Villains I'll say Aunt Sarah from Lady In The Tramp because I love cats and if I was ever a mother in law I'd probably be a huge busybody lol.
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?
Nope, I probably would've liked it though as a kid.
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?
I assume flying would be much faster and I'd probably get seasick so fly.
42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night?
Cause the sun lights the sky up during the daytime, duh.
43. What does your name mean?
Crowned one.
Which I should be crowned..crowned ruler of the world hehe. I don't really like my name though just the meaning.
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space?
Outer space for sure...who would chose the ocean?!
45. Word association
What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: clouds
Meat: steak
Different: me
Pink: babies
Deserve: me
White: wedding
Elvis: presley
Magic: wand
Heart: red
Clash: music
Pulp: fiction
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be?
Would be a tough choice between Albert Einstein and Jesus Christ but I think I'd chose Jesus. I'd wanna ask him about religion and who goes to hell and about reincarnation and life on other planets and if their are other universes and all kinds of questions that only God or Jesus would know. Of course we my luck I'd meet him and find out he was just a regular man good at tricking people. Still would be worth it though just to know that.
47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive?
My soulmate heh.
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
Theres a few movies I think are awesome but none of them are that awesome.
49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do?
I'd bring a laptop and a portable tv but I don't have either so I guess I'd bring as many books as possible to read.
50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?
I saved a baby birds life before when I was 11 if that counts.
51. Make up a definition for the following silly words...
Fruitgoogle: A person obsessed with stalking people on google.
Ambytime: Club dancing time.
Asscactus: A mean person who is also ugly.
52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?
Uhh...myself orgasm? I don't know oh probably dinner I guess.
53. What was your favorite toy as a child?
My wagon I was soooooo happy when I won it in a contest when I was 9.
54. How many TV’s are in your house?
1 in use thats less then a year old and 1 in storage thats a couple years old.
55. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Look for UFOs in the sky hehe.
56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow?
Rainbows don't effect how I feel but I think they're pretty.
57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true?
I have, have dreamt that people were lying to me about certain things and it turned out to be true.
58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader?
No but I'd love to go to one, I'd just have to research them some first to make sure they weren't one of the many phonies.
59. What is your idea of paradise?
A place where no one is mean or lies to anybody. Where everyone likes everybody and where theres alot to do and you're never bored.
60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like?
I believe that there is not one God god but rather we're all in a way gods. I believe that we get reincarnated over and over until we learn and experience all that we need to then we become gods (but I'd call them spirit guides) who help others to achive godness.
61. Do you believe in Hell?
Yes but not in the bibical sense. I believe hell is a place of punishment where only the worst of the worst go and that nobody no matter how bad stays there for eternity.
62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't?
Gone over 6 months without leaving the house lol.
63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
Not sure :/ Probably rescusing stray cats and keeping them as pets.
64. Are you a patient person?
Not really. I don't like waiting for other people and they shouldn't be rude enough to make me wait. Waiting for things annoys me too.
65. What holiday should exist but doesn't?
Revenge day....a day where its considered socially acceptable to get revenge and where those who've wronged people are scared to leave the house.
66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does?
Valentines day. It's a retarded idea of a holiday that only serves to depress single people and make people in relationships feel obligated to spend money. There should be no designated day to show the one you love how you feel, you should be doing it everyday, maybe not buying stuff everyday but buy it on your anniverserys or just when you're feeling especially grateful, not because hallmark tells you to.
67. What's the best joke you ever heard?
Hmm I don't know but here's a good one:
A girl is falling asleep in her R:E lesson at school and her teacher wants to catch her out so she asks her a question,
"Amy, who invented the Earth?"
so the boy next to her trys to wake her up by poking her with his pencil and she sits up and screams,
"God Almighty"
"Thats right" the teacher replies.
A little while later Amy starts to fall asleep again so the teacher trys to catch her out again with another question.
"Amy, what was the name of the lords son?"
Again, the boy next to her pokes her with his pencil.
"Jesus christ" Amy shouts.
"thats right" the teacher replies, now starting to get annoyed.
Once more, Amy falls asleep so the teacher trys one more time.
"Amy, what did eve say to adam after they had there 21st child"
the boy next to her pokes her again.
Amy then shouts......For f**k sake, if you poke me with that once more im going to snap it and stick it up your ass.
68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been?
The local fair with a friend when I was like 10.
69. Is your hair natural or dyed?
My hair is dark brown and its natural...I swear the sunlightened it though because it was black when I was a kid.
70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front?
I'm pretty upfront mostly I mean look how much I reveal here for one.
71. What is under your bed right now?
72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home?
Depends but if its like in the movie I'd wanna go home, after staying there for at least a few days or weeks and exploring and gathering proof I'd been there.
73. If you drive do you frequently speed?
I don't drive.
74. What is the world's best song to dance to?
75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?
I've never danced with anybody.
76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers?
Warner Brothers.
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
No but I've never had the chance so I can't be sure I wouldn't be.
79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off?
I don't see why we would, I think weather would just all stay the same everywhere on earth then.
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it?
Play World Of Warcraft.
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick?
One right. Definatly would chose right to smoke if that counts as a "right". It does no good to anyone and its so gross and I hate second hand smoke.
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole?
Well north pole is cooooold and completly covered in ice so I'll have to say the equator.
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
Watching television of course...I could still watch all my favorite shows online or download them off a torrent site :D Is that cheating? Oh well.
84. What do you think makes someone a hero?
Being brave and doing something that helps others even though it scares you.
85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in?
Powerpuff Girls. I'd be the 4th, evil powerpuff girl whose special ingrediant would be chemical x thrus making me stronger then all 3 puffs and I'd take over the world with the help of Mojo Jojo!
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
The smell of shit.
87. What was the last thing you paid for?
I don't remember lol...my mom pays for everything. Probably when I bought my last CD online last year which would be The Killers album Day & Age
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
89. Get anything good in the mail recently?
No :(
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling?
Bowling I guess. They all sound pretty boring though, especially dancing.
91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So...
Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends?
No because we're more then memories, we have souls and you aren't the same person just because you have all their memories. And even if we don't have souls, I know I'm here and I'm me, no one else can ever be me.
92. What insects are you afraid of?
All of them. *shudder*
93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say?
"Pessimists are the true realists."
94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn?
Err I dunno, different colorerd show laces (pink on one shoe and white on the other) in 6th grade)
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be?
Cheese because I put it on almost everything. Hardly a day goes by that I don't eat cheese in some form.
96. What are your parents interested in?
My mom has an interest in all things paranormal like me, she is also interested in true crime, board games, dogs, monkeys, smoking and writing.
I have no clue what mr. deadbeat is interested in.
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
Ewww no.
Have you ever caught and tamed a wild animal?
Lol, no.
98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans?
Wishes because my plans never work out right.
99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest?
No clue what this means. I feel the most energetic when I first wake up though.
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?
A water bottle, blankets, a laptop if I had one but since I don't I'd bring bug spray. Would sure be one long scary night.
5000 question survey,
about me,
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Yay achievments! Not yay that most wow players are morons
Woot I hit 7000 achievement points in wow :D I'm so proud of myself. And now I'm in the top 50 for highest achievers in my realm. :D Also I'm really close to getting the glory of the hero meta achievement now :D http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=2136 Never ever though I would have a chance in hell of getting that, but now I think I might. I'm so glad I quit my last guild. Not to say I love the one I'm in now, but for 5 mans they're awesome, always easy to find people that wanna run heroics for achievements. My last guild was full of scrubs who cared about gear more then achivments, this one cares more for the achievements like me. I've done a ton of achievements this week hehe, not just 5 man ones either, got a ton of ones in 10 man uldaur earlier too, and finally got the one for getting all my old burning crusade reps exalted lol. I think I've gotten over 200 achievement points this week :D
We had to wait till super last at night though to do some occulus achievements the other night. We tried earlier but for over an hour we couldn't get in the instance. I'm so sick of that "additional instances cannot be launched" bullcrap. We had it again last night too and gave up and went to do other things for a while. They should have fixed it by now. Its existed for months, though hasn't made instances this unplayable until patch, probably because now everyone is running badges for the new gear. Would think a multi million dollar company would have more then enough money to have fixed it already so I dunno wtf they're thinking. My friend who plays says he thinks its because they wanna do it without causing much down time. I'm like well this problem is so annoying that I wouldn't mind wow being down for a day or 2 if it would only fix it already. Of course I'd want and expect that those days be credited to my account, and so would most people probably. So maybe thats why those cheapos running wow won't upgrade. Pisses me off though, especially since I'm paying for this game.
Anyway as I said we did occulus the other night, we had already decided we would do achievements there but not which ones. I already had amber void and I didn't wanna do make it count yet (timed one is supposed to be the hardest achievement in game)so I suggested using 5 amber drakes to get both the ruby and emerald void achievements at the same time. Took us many hours, and the stupid server restarted on us too on 1 attempt, but we finally got it :D So now I only have 4 achievements left for my meta :D Only think 2 of them will really give me trouble, the remaining occulus one of course and the less rabi one. I'm actually worried I won't get the meta just because of those 2. We attempted both last night and failed on both. I do think with more practise we can get the occulus one though probably. The less-rabi one though...I don't know how the hell we didn't get it. We interrupted all his transforms and none of us saw him change into a mammoth. I guess he must've done it right as he died. That or it's bugged or something. :(
I finally started having some luck with caster loot dropping in the new heroic too. Got the leather pants and boots both a couple days ago :D Also got the caster ring the day after that. I was careful to make sure I didn't get into any groups with anyone else who would need them. Actually had another shaman who said they would roll on the LEATHER boots. Friggen shamans, they can wear mail, need to learn to keep their idiot hands off of leather and cloth. You don't see me rolling on cloth over priests, mages and warlocks. Well, except the other day when I rolled and won and gave it to the mage so the shammy couldn't have :D Anyway I dropped that group. And 1 person seemed upset after I left so I whispered to them "sorry but not looking to lose my leather boots to a mail wearer" then they got all pissy and said I was being greedy. WTF? Geez some people. I don't know why I bother being nice to people, especially strangers, they're always rude back to me. He also said "beggers can't be chosers". Whatever the fuck that means, because I have no trouble at all finding groups. After I left that one I found another 1 in less then 5 mins. I tried to whisper him back to tell him off but he had put me on ignore. I would've done the same if I hadn't long ago run out of room on my ignore list. Already ran into 3 rude people this week alone on wow. They need to make the ignore list and friendship lists both be infinite.
Speaking of annoying people in wow. This girl in my guild, (I think I mentioned her before) has to be one of the most annoying people I've ever come across online. She's so damn loud and she acts like shes 13 years old, talks like it too, but she's not. 2 people quit the guild last night because of her, she was getting all pissy with them over something. I don't exactly know what happened because I have her muted on vent. Anyway the 2 people that quit the guild were 2 of the only 3 people I like in this guild. I almost quit myself, but I wanna progress some and no other guild I've come across has been any good either, so I'll stay in this 1 just for the progression. Anyway she needs to grow the fuck up. She won't even let the guild invite any other rogues or feral druids into it because she doesn't want to compete for gear. Could you imagine if everyone was like that? The guild would have like 10 people. My offspec is feral though, and eventually I'll wanna roll on feral gear too, I can't imagine the fit she'll throw then. We actually didn't have enough for our 25 man TOC so we had to get some pugs. They wanted to invite a rogue, but she threatened to leave if they did. They fucking listened to her too and didn't take any rogues. I can't believe she's an officer. She's engaged to one of the other officers so that might be why. Anyway she needs to grow the fuck up and they shouldn't indulge her.
Anyway as for non wow stuff. Someone I talk to had a dream about me the other night. Yay! Not yay that I didn't look or act like myself in it though! Hmph! Well, at least he dreamt about me, very few people online have, heck even very few people offline have. Or maybe they just don't tell me lol. I'd tell someone if I dreamt about them though! Anyway my dream last night was about a cute little kitten playing :D I was laughing in the dream too, 1 of the happiest dreams I ever had I think. Maybe I was the kitten? The odd thing with 90% of my dreams is I seem to not be in them lol, I seem to just be observing like a tv show. So even I don't dream of me!
Speaking of tv shows, I heard one of the contestants on Big Brother, Chima got kicked off the show for inappropriate behavior, apparently she threw her mic into the hottub and refused to put it back on and cussed out the producers. I'm glad shes gone, she was such a bitch. Not that I like Russel any better, he's a total bully/jerk. I'm hoping Jeff, Jordan or Michelle wins. Can't wait to watch Tuesdays episode and see more of Chima going psyco. I found it hilarious how her, Lydia, and Natalie were actually sitting at the table crying their eyes out about Jesse leaving. Like Kevin said they were acting like the he died or something, geez.
Anyway thats all for now, I'll try to update sooner next time :)
We had to wait till super last at night though to do some occulus achievements the other night. We tried earlier but for over an hour we couldn't get in the instance. I'm so sick of that "additional instances cannot be launched" bullcrap. We had it again last night too and gave up and went to do other things for a while. They should have fixed it by now. Its existed for months, though hasn't made instances this unplayable until patch, probably because now everyone is running badges for the new gear. Would think a multi million dollar company would have more then enough money to have fixed it already so I dunno wtf they're thinking. My friend who plays says he thinks its because they wanna do it without causing much down time. I'm like well this problem is so annoying that I wouldn't mind wow being down for a day or 2 if it would only fix it already. Of course I'd want and expect that those days be credited to my account, and so would most people probably. So maybe thats why those cheapos running wow won't upgrade. Pisses me off though, especially since I'm paying for this game.
Anyway as I said we did occulus the other night, we had already decided we would do achievements there but not which ones. I already had amber void and I didn't wanna do make it count yet (timed one is supposed to be the hardest achievement in game)so I suggested using 5 amber drakes to get both the ruby and emerald void achievements at the same time. Took us many hours, and the stupid server restarted on us too on 1 attempt, but we finally got it :D So now I only have 4 achievements left for my meta :D Only think 2 of them will really give me trouble, the remaining occulus one of course and the less rabi one. I'm actually worried I won't get the meta just because of those 2. We attempted both last night and failed on both. I do think with more practise we can get the occulus one though probably. The less-rabi one though...I don't know how the hell we didn't get it. We interrupted all his transforms and none of us saw him change into a mammoth. I guess he must've done it right as he died. That or it's bugged or something. :(
I finally started having some luck with caster loot dropping in the new heroic too. Got the leather pants and boots both a couple days ago :D Also got the caster ring the day after that. I was careful to make sure I didn't get into any groups with anyone else who would need them. Actually had another shaman who said they would roll on the LEATHER boots. Friggen shamans, they can wear mail, need to learn to keep their idiot hands off of leather and cloth. You don't see me rolling on cloth over priests, mages and warlocks. Well, except the other day when I rolled and won and gave it to the mage so the shammy couldn't have :D Anyway I dropped that group. And 1 person seemed upset after I left so I whispered to them "sorry but not looking to lose my leather boots to a mail wearer" then they got all pissy and said I was being greedy. WTF? Geez some people. I don't know why I bother being nice to people, especially strangers, they're always rude back to me. He also said "beggers can't be chosers". Whatever the fuck that means, because I have no trouble at all finding groups. After I left that one I found another 1 in less then 5 mins. I tried to whisper him back to tell him off but he had put me on ignore. I would've done the same if I hadn't long ago run out of room on my ignore list. Already ran into 3 rude people this week alone on wow. They need to make the ignore list and friendship lists both be infinite.
Speaking of annoying people in wow. This girl in my guild, (I think I mentioned her before) has to be one of the most annoying people I've ever come across online. She's so damn loud and she acts like shes 13 years old, talks like it too, but she's not. 2 people quit the guild last night because of her, she was getting all pissy with them over something. I don't exactly know what happened because I have her muted on vent. Anyway the 2 people that quit the guild were 2 of the only 3 people I like in this guild. I almost quit myself, but I wanna progress some and no other guild I've come across has been any good either, so I'll stay in this 1 just for the progression. Anyway she needs to grow the fuck up. She won't even let the guild invite any other rogues or feral druids into it because she doesn't want to compete for gear. Could you imagine if everyone was like that? The guild would have like 10 people. My offspec is feral though, and eventually I'll wanna roll on feral gear too, I can't imagine the fit she'll throw then. We actually didn't have enough for our 25 man TOC so we had to get some pugs. They wanted to invite a rogue, but she threatened to leave if they did. They fucking listened to her too and didn't take any rogues. I can't believe she's an officer. She's engaged to one of the other officers so that might be why. Anyway she needs to grow the fuck up and they shouldn't indulge her.
Anyway as for non wow stuff. Someone I talk to had a dream about me the other night. Yay! Not yay that I didn't look or act like myself in it though! Hmph! Well, at least he dreamt about me, very few people online have, heck even very few people offline have. Or maybe they just don't tell me lol. I'd tell someone if I dreamt about them though! Anyway my dream last night was about a cute little kitten playing :D I was laughing in the dream too, 1 of the happiest dreams I ever had I think. Maybe I was the kitten? The odd thing with 90% of my dreams is I seem to not be in them lol, I seem to just be observing like a tv show. So even I don't dream of me!
Speaking of tv shows, I heard one of the contestants on Big Brother, Chima got kicked off the show for inappropriate behavior, apparently she threw her mic into the hottub and refused to put it back on and cussed out the producers. I'm glad shes gone, she was such a bitch. Not that I like Russel any better, he's a total bully/jerk. I'm hoping Jeff, Jordan or Michelle wins. Can't wait to watch Tuesdays episode and see more of Chima going psyco. I found it hilarious how her, Lydia, and Natalie were actually sitting at the table crying their eyes out about Jesse leaving. Like Kevin said they were acting like the he died or something, geez.
Anyway thats all for now, I'll try to update sooner next time :)
big brother,
loot whores,
reality tv,
world of warcraft
Monday, August 10, 2009
Video Games Are NOT Bad
So my friend decided not to subscribe to wow :( Said something about how he's worried he'll get addicted. Which to me doesn't make much sense since he wasn't even on it that often but even if he had been I don't see the problem. I'll never understand this attitude that 99% of people seem to have about video games being bad for you. I mean really...how in the world is it any different then someone that goes out every night with friends? Its a hobby just as anything else. Even my one friend that plays thinks its bad for you. He's on it alot too when he does play, but doesn't seem to have much trouble taking a break from it if real life stuff is going on, he even stopped playing for a few months 1 time due to RL stuff. So people can say its addictive or some other crap but truth is, if whatever you were gonna do you decided not to do because of WOW then it must not have been very fun, or maybe it was fun, just not as fun as wow, so why not play wow lol. People shouldn't not do something just because they're worried it will prevent them from doing other things...I mean really it most likely won't prevent them, and if it does thats a sign that maybe their other activities just aren't as fun as they'd thought. Now if someone has a job or something that they're skipping wow for, that might be a different story, however if they're skipping work for video games there would more then likely be something else they would skip work for if video games didn't exist.
They also mentioned something about it being easier to just play wow then do the other things because of their SA. To that I think well easier is funnier too. But thats another thing I just don't get about people with SA, why try to overcome it, its not like there are very much decent people out there, and if you happen to meet someone that is decent I'm sure they will understand and not pressure you to go out and do things you aren't comfortable with. My dream best friend would be like that, they wouldn't necessarily have SA but they would be a huge misanthropist with very little desire to be around people, other then me. I guess it could be seen another way though, being that since people suck, why should we feel any anxiety around them. I don't really have that much SA around people I don't know unless I think they might be someone I'd like to be friends with or I'm scared of them for some reason. I get it really bad if I'm with someone I know though in a group where I don't know or dislike the others. Mostly because I'm worried this person I like will do something mean to me or something likewise hurtful with the others. Probably because thats what happened to me many times in the past :(
Anyway back to the subject, I'm on wow almost 24/7, but I'd stop right now if something funner came along. But most things just aren't fun. Partying/bar hopping/clubbing/etc? boring! plus being around people=ugh Sports? boring! Outdoorsy activities? boring!
The things I find fun and will and do stop or afk in wow for are:
- Good conversation on msn, or someone I know can carry a convo on the phone (I have known very very few people like this though, maybe 1% of people I have come across in my life have been good at conversation).
- A challenging board game opponent, preferably for scrabble though I like most board games, I suck at chess though
- Opportunity to investigate something paranormal, say a UFO, or better yet the chance to play on a Ouija board with someone (but not in my house!)
- A really interesting tv show (like Lost)
- Music videos of bands I like
- Adorable baby kittens playing <3 Ok so I wouldn't log out of wow to watch this, but I'd definitely pay more attention to the kitties.
Wow won't and doesn't prevent me from doing any of those, however I mostly have a lack of being to find anyone cool enough for most of the above which usually prevents me from spending much time away from wow. I don't spend all my time on the net in wow though, I also read/post on some forums, read fanficion, etc. But I certainly wouldn't give up wow for anything since wow is just as fun as any of them, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on my mood. Would actually like to do most of the above things more, but I'm not gonna go out ghost hunting alone and have no one to play board games with, etc. :(
Now as for the people who think its bad not so much as because they claim its addictive but more because its an online game well to that I say wtf. Isn't the object of a hobby to umm you know, have fun? If wow is fun, how in the world is it a bad hobby yet their mindless drinking, partying and whatever else is supposed to be good?? Its not just the social morons who think video games are bad either, people also think outdoorsy stuff, reading, sports watching, dancing, etc are good hobbies but somehow they see video games as this horrible horrible thing. I bet a good chunk of them have never even played a video game past the age of 12 so what the hell would they know anyway.
Speaking of wow...people that can wear plate or mail need to stay the fuck away from leather and cloth gear if theres a leather or cloth wearer in the party. Can't believe this greedy shaman earlier trying to roll need on cloth gear. So I hit need too, I won it and traded it to the mage who thanked me and said they're gonna send me 100 gold for it. Wonder if they really will lol. And this was a guild run too. People are such selfish pricks. Well, I'll be sure not to run with them again, since I asked them and their excuse was "It was a huge upgrade for me". They can wear mail and mages can't, so to be fair they should've passed. Not gonna chance them stealing my leather gear if it drops, theres alot there I need.
They also mentioned something about it being easier to just play wow then do the other things because of their SA. To that I think well easier is funnier too. But thats another thing I just don't get about people with SA, why try to overcome it, its not like there are very much decent people out there, and if you happen to meet someone that is decent I'm sure they will understand and not pressure you to go out and do things you aren't comfortable with. My dream best friend would be like that, they wouldn't necessarily have SA but they would be a huge misanthropist with very little desire to be around people, other then me. I guess it could be seen another way though, being that since people suck, why should we feel any anxiety around them. I don't really have that much SA around people I don't know unless I think they might be someone I'd like to be friends with or I'm scared of them for some reason. I get it really bad if I'm with someone I know though in a group where I don't know or dislike the others. Mostly because I'm worried this person I like will do something mean to me or something likewise hurtful with the others. Probably because thats what happened to me many times in the past :(
Anyway back to the subject, I'm on wow almost 24/7, but I'd stop right now if something funner came along. But most things just aren't fun. Partying/bar hopping/clubbing/etc? boring! plus being around people=ugh Sports? boring! Outdoorsy activities? boring!
The things I find fun and will and do stop or afk in wow for are:
- Good conversation on msn, or someone I know can carry a convo on the phone (I have known very very few people like this though, maybe 1% of people I have come across in my life have been good at conversation).
- A challenging board game opponent, preferably for scrabble though I like most board games, I suck at chess though
- Opportunity to investigate something paranormal, say a UFO, or better yet the chance to play on a Ouija board with someone (but not in my house!)
- A really interesting tv show (like Lost)
- Music videos of bands I like
- Adorable baby kittens playing <3 Ok so I wouldn't log out of wow to watch this, but I'd definitely pay more attention to the kitties.
Wow won't and doesn't prevent me from doing any of those, however I mostly have a lack of being to find anyone cool enough for most of the above which usually prevents me from spending much time away from wow. I don't spend all my time on the net in wow though, I also read/post on some forums, read fanficion, etc. But I certainly wouldn't give up wow for anything since wow is just as fun as any of them, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on my mood. Would actually like to do most of the above things more, but I'm not gonna go out ghost hunting alone and have no one to play board games with, etc. :(
Now as for the people who think its bad not so much as because they claim its addictive but more because its an online game well to that I say wtf. Isn't the object of a hobby to umm you know, have fun? If wow is fun, how in the world is it a bad hobby yet their mindless drinking, partying and whatever else is supposed to be good?? Its not just the social morons who think video games are bad either, people also think outdoorsy stuff, reading, sports watching, dancing, etc are good hobbies but somehow they see video games as this horrible horrible thing. I bet a good chunk of them have never even played a video game past the age of 12 so what the hell would they know anyway.
Speaking of wow...people that can wear plate or mail need to stay the fuck away from leather and cloth gear if theres a leather or cloth wearer in the party. Can't believe this greedy shaman earlier trying to roll need on cloth gear. So I hit need too, I won it and traded it to the mage who thanked me and said they're gonna send me 100 gold for it. Wonder if they really will lol. And this was a guild run too. People are such selfish pricks. Well, I'll be sure not to run with them again, since I asked them and their excuse was "It was a huge upgrade for me". They can wear mail and mages can't, so to be fair they should've passed. Not gonna chance them stealing my leather gear if it drops, theres alot there I need.
video games,
world of warcraft
Saturday, August 8, 2009
New Patch Is Awesome, People Not So Awesome
Wow was not up until way late like 7 or 8pm when they did the maintenance the other day. My friend joked that he should get an extra day on his trial, I agree. I should get a free day too for that. Anyway it was patch day which was why it took so long. Its never up at the time they say it will be on patch day. Would think they'd learn by now that if its patch day they won't have the servers up at same time and would so put that on the login screen at first.
Anyway new patch is awesome :D Can now get 13 champion seals a day, which is over double the previous amount of 5 :D Will take alot less time now to get the rest of the seals I need to buy my last 2 mounts and the pets and tabards. What sucks though is they changed some of the dailys to make it where the valiant and champion ones aren't to kill the same stuff. Bummer because I liked getting credit for doing 2 dailys at once lol. Was gonna stay a valiant until I got everything I needed from all the cities I was already a champion with before I became 1 with my last city but decided to just go ahead and become a champion with last city now because of that.
The new 5 man instance is especially awesome. Fun and short and lots of great loot drops (quite a few upgrades for both my specs in there on heroic mode). I've had the worst luck yet so far though and nothing for me has dropped :( I'm happy about the emblems of conquest dropping from heroics now though, means I'll get upgrades soon either way. So won't take me long to get my boomkin spec doing as much dps as my feral spec now. Alot of people QQ'd about that though because they didn't want people being able to get uldaur quality gear from running 5 mans. Well screw them, not everyone likes to raid. Me I like to raid, but I couldn't ever find guilds that did the highest end game content and didn't have jerks raid leading. If I was better with people I'd start my own guild, but I can't deal with people near that much.
And speaking of guilds, ran into an officer from the last one I quit in game while out questing. I said that I hope no ones mad at me for quitting the guild. And he said something like "nah people leave all the time no biggie". I acted cool about it but I was thinking to myself wtf. Don't they miss me any? And he didn't even say anything about me being welcomed back if I ever decided I wanted to come back nor anything about "sorry O treated you that way". Not that I want back in that guild but I was their best player and O was a total ass to me they fucking should've been begging for me to come back. But it seems like none of the officers care or are glad I'm gone, I don't get it, jealousy maybe? Oh well they're all a bunch of noobs anyway. I prefer the one I'm in now even though I think more of the people here are jerks then in my last one. Like someone said to me once before, its not like any of your guildys would ever be your friends still if you quit the game. So that to me means its better to be with people skilled at the game then nice people. Of course "nice" people usually are just better at hiding their bad side anyway. The guild I'm in now though recently changed their no pug rule, thank god. If they hadn't I'd probably get kicked soon or by now lol. Sure wish I hadn't pugged nax 25 yet this week though, the run I got saved to sucked. But I'm saved so mine as well go to the continuation of it they scheduled for tonight. /sigh
Anyway on to a non wow subject but related to yet again people sucking. What is with some people??? Had a guy I used to be online friends with send me a message on the website we met on. Said he'd like to get back in touch. Anyway heres the message, is it just me or does he sound really cocky? If I remember right thats mostly why I stopped talking to him, he always had this idea that I liked him or would want to be more then friends with him, when truth is I never had any interest in him and at the time actually liked someone else.
"You probably don't remember me but my name is Jonathan and ages ago, we talked a bit and you actually introduced me to OKCupid and I remember thanking you since that's how I met some people off there but then something happened and we stopped talking. It's been ages but I was kinda hoping we could talk again, just as friends. It's a long story but I wouldn't mind talking, just as friends if you don't mind."
Notice how he says "just friends" twice. I have quite a few personality and other requirements for a bf, if I wanted one which I'm not sure I do. I'd never be interested in him, I don't like guys that are more experienced then me or are so cocky, plus he doesn't fit most other things I'd want either. The nerve, he'd be lucky if I ever was interested but I'm not and never was. But if I was though, to be rejected by someone like him? He isn't much to look at, and this seems another case I'm all too familiar with of the barely average looking guy only wanting hot chics. Really annoying no matter what and needless to say I won't be replying, he sent it a few months ago anyway. I hadn't checked that site in that long lol.
Anyway thats all for now.
Anyway new patch is awesome :D Can now get 13 champion seals a day, which is over double the previous amount of 5 :D Will take alot less time now to get the rest of the seals I need to buy my last 2 mounts and the pets and tabards. What sucks though is they changed some of the dailys to make it where the valiant and champion ones aren't to kill the same stuff. Bummer because I liked getting credit for doing 2 dailys at once lol. Was gonna stay a valiant until I got everything I needed from all the cities I was already a champion with before I became 1 with my last city but decided to just go ahead and become a champion with last city now because of that.
The new 5 man instance is especially awesome. Fun and short and lots of great loot drops (quite a few upgrades for both my specs in there on heroic mode). I've had the worst luck yet so far though and nothing for me has dropped :( I'm happy about the emblems of conquest dropping from heroics now though, means I'll get upgrades soon either way. So won't take me long to get my boomkin spec doing as much dps as my feral spec now. Alot of people QQ'd about that though because they didn't want people being able to get uldaur quality gear from running 5 mans. Well screw them, not everyone likes to raid. Me I like to raid, but I couldn't ever find guilds that did the highest end game content and didn't have jerks raid leading. If I was better with people I'd start my own guild, but I can't deal with people near that much.
And speaking of guilds, ran into an officer from the last one I quit in game while out questing. I said that I hope no ones mad at me for quitting the guild. And he said something like "nah people leave all the time no biggie". I acted cool about it but I was thinking to myself wtf. Don't they miss me any? And he didn't even say anything about me being welcomed back if I ever decided I wanted to come back nor anything about "sorry O treated you that way". Not that I want back in that guild but I was their best player and O was a total ass to me they fucking should've been begging for me to come back. But it seems like none of the officers care or are glad I'm gone, I don't get it, jealousy maybe? Oh well they're all a bunch of noobs anyway. I prefer the one I'm in now even though I think more of the people here are jerks then in my last one. Like someone said to me once before, its not like any of your guildys would ever be your friends still if you quit the game. So that to me means its better to be with people skilled at the game then nice people. Of course "nice" people usually are just better at hiding their bad side anyway. The guild I'm in now though recently changed their no pug rule, thank god. If they hadn't I'd probably get kicked soon or by now lol. Sure wish I hadn't pugged nax 25 yet this week though, the run I got saved to sucked. But I'm saved so mine as well go to the continuation of it they scheduled for tonight. /sigh
Anyway on to a non wow subject but related to yet again people sucking. What is with some people??? Had a guy I used to be online friends with send me a message on the website we met on. Said he'd like to get back in touch. Anyway heres the message, is it just me or does he sound really cocky? If I remember right thats mostly why I stopped talking to him, he always had this idea that I liked him or would want to be more then friends with him, when truth is I never had any interest in him and at the time actually liked someone else.
"You probably don't remember me but my name is Jonathan and ages ago, we talked a bit and you actually introduced me to OKCupid and I remember thanking you since that's how I met some people off there but then something happened and we stopped talking. It's been ages but I was kinda hoping we could talk again, just as friends. It's a long story but I wouldn't mind talking, just as friends if you don't mind."
Notice how he says "just friends" twice. I have quite a few personality and other requirements for a bf, if I wanted one which I'm not sure I do. I'd never be interested in him, I don't like guys that are more experienced then me or are so cocky, plus he doesn't fit most other things I'd want either. The nerve, he'd be lucky if I ever was interested but I'm not and never was. But if I was though, to be rejected by someone like him? He isn't much to look at, and this seems another case I'm all too familiar with of the barely average looking guy only wanting hot chics. Really annoying no matter what and needless to say I won't be replying, he sent it a few months ago anyway. I hadn't checked that site in that long lol.
Anyway thats all for now.
former friends,
online friends,
world of warcraft
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Dear Blog Stalker
Well the wow servers are still down (darned patch day!) and I'm bored and I know someone is waiting for a post so......
Hey you! Yes you, Mr. Verizon Internet Services.
I don't think I can begin to tell you how thrilled I was to find out someone was viewing my blog 5 times a day everyday for the past month. To think that I'm that awesome and interesting that someone out there is thinking of me such an insane amount of time. I certainly don't think anything in here is so interesting, but I'm glad someone does. Is this blog your home page? Seems to be the first thing you do when you wake up and last thing you do before you go to bed. I'm really flattered <3
And who are you? I'm pretty positive we aren't friends. It looks like you're near PA, though your location in my logs just says United States. I think PA because of phlapa.fios.verizon.net I assume Philadelphia from that? But a site I put your IP in at puts you in Kansas. o_O Can't say I've never known anyone from either place, but I don't think I've ever had a very close online friend from either.
If you find me so interesting though, why don't you just PM me on SAS? Rest assured that I have no clue who you are, but I know you got referred from the link in my sig from one of my posts there. I get PM's there all the time so I still wouldn't know you were the one viewing this either if you did PM me. But seriously...if you're thinking about me so often, don't you think you should just you know, try to talk to me? And if you did and I ignored it, I'm sorry. Sometimes I put off replying and then I forget ever to. But hows this? I promise to reply to every PM I get for the next 2 weeks. I'll even talk to you if you're some ugh...optimist or something. I normally wouldn't, but you like me so much that I'll make an exception for you. :)
And I know you didn't vote on that poll. So are you possibly someone I used to be friends with? If so, as long as you're not the Rich, Josh, or Jerry who I mention in my intro post, or one of my ex's feel free to contact me. Oh and if you are one of those GTFO of my blog kk thank you. Otherwise, seriously, tell me who you are, I've always dreamed of having a stalker so I'm flattered and I won't be upset <3
At the very least you can reply do this anonomously and tell me if we ever were friends or not...seriously.
Hey you! Yes you, Mr. Verizon Internet Services.
I don't think I can begin to tell you how thrilled I was to find out someone was viewing my blog 5 times a day everyday for the past month. To think that I'm that awesome and interesting that someone out there is thinking of me such an insane amount of time. I certainly don't think anything in here is so interesting, but I'm glad someone does. Is this blog your home page? Seems to be the first thing you do when you wake up and last thing you do before you go to bed. I'm really flattered <3
And who are you? I'm pretty positive we aren't friends. It looks like you're near PA, though your location in my logs just says United States. I think PA because of phlapa.fios.verizon.net I assume Philadelphia from that? But a site I put your IP in at puts you in Kansas. o_O Can't say I've never known anyone from either place, but I don't think I've ever had a very close online friend from either.
If you find me so interesting though, why don't you just PM me on SAS? Rest assured that I have no clue who you are, but I know you got referred from the link in my sig from one of my posts there. I get PM's there all the time so I still wouldn't know you were the one viewing this either if you did PM me. But seriously...if you're thinking about me so often, don't you think you should just you know, try to talk to me? And if you did and I ignored it, I'm sorry. Sometimes I put off replying and then I forget ever to. But hows this? I promise to reply to every PM I get for the next 2 weeks. I'll even talk to you if you're some ugh...optimist or something. I normally wouldn't, but you like me so much that I'll make an exception for you. :)
And I know you didn't vote on that poll. So are you possibly someone I used to be friends with? If so, as long as you're not the Rich, Josh, or Jerry who I mention in my intro post, or one of my ex's feel free to contact me. Oh and if you are one of those GTFO of my blog kk thank you. Otherwise, seriously, tell me who you are, I've always dreamed of having a stalker so I'm flattered and I won't be upset <3
At the very least you can reply do this anonomously and tell me if we ever were friends or not...seriously.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Retards in WOW and This Guild Fucking Sucks
Ok this guild isn't anywhere near as skilled as I originally thought. Well I guess it's not the guild so much as the people they pug, we never have enough for even half a guild run. They certainly could pug much better people though, instead they take anyone, then are shocked and upset when the people suck. We had 2 flame levi hard mode fail runs this week. Tried it like 10 times yesterday and another 10 today with 2 towers up, wiped over and over. Finally did down flame levi today, but we had to take down all towers to do so. Most of our wipes were from the idiots shotting down pyrate accidentally aggoring the boss. Especially this one noob today. That noob also at one attempt kept shotting at the add before flame levi comes out even though we had like 20 people in vent and in game chat yelling for him to stop and let it reset.
Anyway for 25 man they do just flame levi every week. And judging from these runs they pug alot and wipe alot for it. I know they have a no pug rule but fuck that. A bit ironic to have a no pug rule for a guild that has to pug to fill runs. If I can get another group once it resets I'm going with that group.
Also their no pug rule even is for VOA! I pugged both 10 and 25 VOA this week because it can't really be scheduled, theres no telling when ally will have wintergrasp to run it, and everyone pugs voa. Well everyone but these guys. Anyway after I ran both one of the raid leaders put both VOAs in the calender and sent me and 23 other people invites, I declined of course cause I was saved. They also put up runs/invites for 10 and 25 OS's at the same time...I accepted both of those figuring if ally didn't have voa they'd do those and invite the people on that list.
Anyway the next day when it was time for the runs they invited everyone to group. I figured to run OS since I got an invite and had declined the one they sceduled for voa, plus we didn't have VOA and the battle was starting in 20 mins or so. But no they said it was for VOA, that we would pvp in wintergrasp and if we won then run it. I obviously couldn't go because I was saved to a pug that 1 shotted both bosses, so I said so. Then one of the raid leaders, that hyper girl in vent gets all upset at me saying how we said no pugging, blah blah blah. Anyway they fought in wintergrasp and surprisingly the alliance won, so they went to run VOA, they pugged people since we didn't have many guildys on for that either. For some reason it took them like 20-30 minutes to fill the group, probably because it was so late. Then they wiped like 4 or 5 times on Emalon. I was still in raid so I got to see all them die over and over, lol. Then they finally killed Emalon and went on to kill the easy boss. All in all from the time I got my invite, it took them over 2 hours. I stayed in raid whole time because I was clearing out a bunch of stuff in my mail/inventory. Then after some people left I went to OS 25 with them, where they attempted to do 2 drakes up and failed over and over. Finally we just killed 1 of the drakes and got it done. It was so fucking frustrating, I thought the run would be 30 minutes tops, not 3 hours.
Anyway I'm definitely pugging VOA when it resets tomorrow. If anyone in guild gets pissy at me for it I'll just tell them "well sorry but tbh its VOA and I just wanna get it done fast, not wait around for us to win it or possibly lose my chance at running it because ally didn't have or couldn't get it during the time we scheduled it for." I'll probably pug other stuff too since all the guild runs that haven't been 5 mans have been fail so far. If they don't like it they can guild kick me...tbh I'm kinda hoping they will.
Also I'm kinda pissed that I never got the nax 10 achievment run that was promised to me when I helped some of their alts out in that nax 10 run I mentioned last week. I had told them I really wanted to do the achievements in there but would help them gear their alts this week if they'd help me get the achievements I've been trying to get done next week. They said they would and even named a day and time it would be done. But no one fucking scheduled it or sent invites out, at least not to me. And then I saw them this week running it without me. Fucking jerks.
And as for my friend who I referred they said they really like the game but probably won't be subscribing :( They said something about being worried they would become addicted to it and ignore other stuff. I don't think they would though, they don't seem to have that much trouble logging off. Hopefully they'll change their mind.
Anyway for 25 man they do just flame levi every week. And judging from these runs they pug alot and wipe alot for it. I know they have a no pug rule but fuck that. A bit ironic to have a no pug rule for a guild that has to pug to fill runs. If I can get another group once it resets I'm going with that group.
Also their no pug rule even is for VOA! I pugged both 10 and 25 VOA this week because it can't really be scheduled, theres no telling when ally will have wintergrasp to run it, and everyone pugs voa. Well everyone but these guys. Anyway after I ran both one of the raid leaders put both VOAs in the calender and sent me and 23 other people invites, I declined of course cause I was saved. They also put up runs/invites for 10 and 25 OS's at the same time...I accepted both of those figuring if ally didn't have voa they'd do those and invite the people on that list.
Anyway the next day when it was time for the runs they invited everyone to group. I figured to run OS since I got an invite and had declined the one they sceduled for voa, plus we didn't have VOA and the battle was starting in 20 mins or so. But no they said it was for VOA, that we would pvp in wintergrasp and if we won then run it. I obviously couldn't go because I was saved to a pug that 1 shotted both bosses, so I said so. Then one of the raid leaders, that hyper girl in vent gets all upset at me saying how we said no pugging, blah blah blah. Anyway they fought in wintergrasp and surprisingly the alliance won, so they went to run VOA, they pugged people since we didn't have many guildys on for that either. For some reason it took them like 20-30 minutes to fill the group, probably because it was so late. Then they wiped like 4 or 5 times on Emalon. I was still in raid so I got to see all them die over and over, lol. Then they finally killed Emalon and went on to kill the easy boss. All in all from the time I got my invite, it took them over 2 hours. I stayed in raid whole time because I was clearing out a bunch of stuff in my mail/inventory. Then after some people left I went to OS 25 with them, where they attempted to do 2 drakes up and failed over and over. Finally we just killed 1 of the drakes and got it done. It was so fucking frustrating, I thought the run would be 30 minutes tops, not 3 hours.
Anyway I'm definitely pugging VOA when it resets tomorrow. If anyone in guild gets pissy at me for it I'll just tell them "well sorry but tbh its VOA and I just wanna get it done fast, not wait around for us to win it or possibly lose my chance at running it because ally didn't have or couldn't get it during the time we scheduled it for." I'll probably pug other stuff too since all the guild runs that haven't been 5 mans have been fail so far. If they don't like it they can guild kick me...tbh I'm kinda hoping they will.
Also I'm kinda pissed that I never got the nax 10 achievment run that was promised to me when I helped some of their alts out in that nax 10 run I mentioned last week. I had told them I really wanted to do the achievements in there but would help them gear their alts this week if they'd help me get the achievements I've been trying to get done next week. They said they would and even named a day and time it would be done. But no one fucking scheduled it or sent invites out, at least not to me. And then I saw them this week running it without me. Fucking jerks.
And as for my friend who I referred they said they really like the game but probably won't be subscribing :( They said something about being worried they would become addicted to it and ignore other stuff. I don't think they would though, they don't seem to have that much trouble logging off. Hopefully they'll change their mind.
online friends,
world of warcraft
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