301. List 5 things you have not experienced that you would like to experience before you die.
In no particular order
A Have sex (but only if I get married)
B Vist Lilydale, NY with Will http://www.lilydaleassembly.com/lily-dale-attractions/lakeside-assembly-hall
C Visit disneyland or disneyworld :D
D Get married
E Having people that screwed me over envy me. :D
302. Will you try to accomplish any of these things within the next year?
Within the next year no? Within the next 5, yes. Within the next year probably will only try to visit Lilydale.
303. What do you feel controlled by?
My emotions and my social anxiety and my poor sense of direction :(
304. If Jesus appeared to you and told you that the moon was made of green cheese would you believe him?
No, I'd think either 1. someone slipped some drugs into my food or 2. Some ghost/demon is fucking with me.
305. What is one thing you are sure of?
That 99% of people suck.
306. At what part of the day do you feel the most alert?
Varies. Usually after I first wake up I guess.
307. Have you ever played in a band?
Nope. Have no talent like that :(
308. Have you ever stared into the ocean thinking 'early creatures crawled outta that'?
309. If not, what do you think of when you are staring into the ocean?
Have never even seen the ocean in person :( I guess I'd be thinking how big and pretty it is.
310. Do you like the mental challenge of chess or other games?
Not chess so much because I suck at it and kinda forgot how to play. But games like scrabble and checkers, etc yea for sure :)
311. Do you ever think of where your atoms were before they were in you?
Nope lol.
312. Do you ever think about where your atoms will go after they have been in you?
No. Maybe now I will :( Ugh.
313. If you didn't know that people couldn't fly do you think that you could?
No but would think I could levitate. Until I tried to anyway lol.
314. Are you someone that others call when they're having a problem and want to talk about it?
Seem to have been whenever I've had close friends. Even with people that are just casual IM friends I seem to be too.
315. When it comes to literature, do you see beyond the writing and into the meaning intended by the author?
Not really. But I don't read much of any literature, it bores me.
316. Is there anything you can take apart completely, and then put back together, and have no left over parts?
Probably not :(
317. What are your feelings about the death penalty?
My feelings on the death penalty are it should only be done in cases where there is 100% certainty that the suspect is guilty. I think the death penalty is a good thing then and should be used on any murderers (except those that murder in self defense or for another good reason such as a cheating or abusive spouse or taking revenge on someone for something they did that was very bad). I also think the death penalty should be used on all child molesters and certain frauders (like men that fraud old women out of their life savings).
318. If there was a god and you could ask him/her one question what would it be?
What happens to us when we die?
319. Do you believe that life will be found on other planets?
I believe it already has and that the government has been keeping it secret.
320. What is something worth suffering for?
It depends on how much suffering but generally I don't think anything is worth suffering for. I guess if you really love somebody more then yourself then they would be worth suffering for. Thats about it.
321. If you could put an extra eye on your body anywhere you wanted, where would you put it?
Back of my neck so I could see who was behind me :D Would say back of head but I'd need a permanent bald spot there, so neck instead since this way i can just move some hair out of the way. Would have to find a way to hide it to where no one could see the eye though. Maybe some custom made sunglasses for my neck lol.
322. Are you in touch with the earth and nature?
Not really.
323. Would you rather live simply or extravagantly?
Simple house and clothes but with extravagant food, and to be able to travel whereever I want :D
324. Have you ever been camping?
Nope. Can't say I have much of a desire to either.
325. Is your heart open when you meet someone new?
I'm not really single so no lol. But when I was no, not really. People need to prove themselves to me first and be what I'm looking for.
326. Are you able to have conversations with and become friends with people who are not like you and are interested in different things than you are?
Depends but if they're too different no and I don't have a desire to either.
327. Are strangers more beautiful or frightening to you?
Frightening for sure! People suck.
328. What stops you from doing everything you want to do?
Social anxiety and a lack of knowledge about the world :(
329. Can you think of three adjective that do not apply to you at all?
330. How do you feel about Jeremy Jaynes, who got a nine year prison sentence for spamming people with junk email (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Jaynes)?
I never heard of him before. I think 9 years is a bit much though just for sending spam. A few months in jail and a fine should've been it for him.
331. Do you know who the current premier of China is?
No idea.
332. Are you very active?
No not at all lol. Have no desire to be either.
333. Is there a city that reminds you of the landscape of your brain?
No. Can't say there is lol.
334. Have you ever loved someone who has loved you back?
I don't think so :( Hopefully 1 day. ;)
335. Is it really being 'in love with' someone if the other person doesn't love you?
No. You only love them then. But that doesn't stop people from saying it.
336. Do you believe that there is someone perfect for everyone or that people just fall in love with who ever they are with at the time?
I think everyone has several "soulmates" that they meet in each life and in some lifes these soulmates can be lovers. I believe they're mostly but not entirely perfect for each other. Some people though never meet any of their soulmates, or their soulmates are all friends or family member's, so those people either stay single or just fall in love with whoever comes along.
337. Do you know secret things?
I think I might heh.
338. Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have?
Yea my last ex. What an ass.
339. How do you overcome your fears?
I don't, because they exist for good reason. I just avoid them.
340. What can you do better than anyone you know?
Be a good person.
341. Would you benefit from a wilder existence?
No, would hate it.
342. Does it seem to you like the range of socially acceptable behavior is getting smaller or larger?
Larger for sure. Don't feel I need to even explain this one. You'd have to be a fool to think its getting smaller.
343. Have you ever fired a gun?
344. Are people becoming more afraid of each other?
Kinda because nowadays everyone is scared of their kids being kidnapped and stuff like that.
345. If you had to choose the percentage of freedom vs. safety what ratio would you decide on (ex: 100% free 0% safe)?
Not sure. 80% free and 20% safe maybe.
346. Does safety stifle you?
347. Who or what needs to be stopped?
Child molesters, frauders, liars, cheaters, abusers, etc.
348. Are human beings becoming more domesticated?
I think its kinda the opposite at times LOL.
349. Do you follow the lives of the British Royal Family?
Nope not at all. My mom kinda does though.
350. How did the death of Pope John Paul II (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_II) affect you?
It really didn't.
351. Have you ever lost something and never found it?
Some pictures that were important to me :(
352. Do you listen to any talk radio shows?
Nope. Used to listen to Art Bell Coast to Coast though. Awesome show :)
353. Who do you trust more, your friends or your parents?
Umm neither?
354. Would you ever date someone outside of your race or religion?
Am not single lol but if I was.... Religion, maybe it depends on what religion, probably not though, I'm not religious at all but wouldn't wanna date someone that would try to convert me to theirs. Race, probably not, I don't really find men of other races all that attractive.
355. Which of the 7 deadly sins in the worst (gluttony, greed, pride, lust, envy, wrath, sloth)?
Lust because its what causes most of the problems in the world (over population, cheating, etc).
356. Which one are you most guilty of?
Sloth for sure lol
357. Are you afraid to be alone with yourself?
No why would I be?
Do you try to avoid thinking?
Only about certain things.
358. Would you venture to tell someone you loved him or her if they didn't say it first?
Probably not.
359. What are you the most sensitive about?
My weight and my mouth. :(
360. What can you talk about for hours?
World of warcraft :)
361. Do you talk about yourself, other people, or ideas the most?
Probably myself I guess but not sure.
362. Do you believe that spell casting can work?
Yes, but think you really have to 1. Believe and 2. Know what you're doing.
363. Are you a fan of The Legend of Zelda games?
364. What old movie would you go see if it were re-released in the movie theaters?
None that I can think of. Maybe the first Chuckie movie if I had someone to go with ;)
365. Is there a celebrity that you would be too starstruck to talk to if you met them?
I would be too starstruck to talk to any celebrities period.
366. Have you ever left a mean unsigned note?
Yea lol, online.
367. Do you think it's cheesy to paste things you didn't write into your diary?
Not really but depends what.
368. What are three things that you try not to think about?
1. My mom dying
2. My bf leaving me
3. How I would support myself financially on my own with only my SSI.
369. Is casual sex acceptable for you?
No and it shouldn't be to anybody.
370. What form of sexual protection do you use?
Abstinence. More people should use it.
371. What is expected of you that you feel is unnatural or not right?
To get a job (don't feel society should expect people like me and who've had a life like or worse then mine to work)
To have an education (same as above, I dropped out of school cause of bullying)
To not want revenge (wanting revenge is right and very natural)
372. Do you sometimes place your own expectations on other people?
Sometimes I guess.
373. Do you sometimes act overeager to make friends when you are around strangers?
No, never. Don't care enough to.
374. Do you take everything that is said literally?
Sometimes, depends on what.
375. Do you take most things others say seriously?
Depends on what they're saying lol. I guess so generally though, if they're being serious.
376. Do you have a quick wit?
Yup. Quick and better then most peoples too :)
377. Do you believe in the need for political correctness?
378. Do you have strong opinions and beliefs?
Yes, very, especially on certain things.
379. If yes, can you still hang out with and be friends with people who disagree with you?
Probably not. On the things I feel strongly about I don't believe someone can think differently then me on them and still be a good person.
380. Are you uptight?
Only when I have good reason to be.
381. Do you sometimes do risky things?
Nope never.
382. Could just about anyone hold your interest in a conversation for at least ten minutes?
Probably not lol. Most people suck so much at conversation that they can't even keep me interested that long.
383. Are you self-conscious?
Yes very :(
384. What would be your ideal destination for a Saturday afternoon?
Home :) Unless someone has a really fun/entertaining thing planned ;)
385. Does anyone have a video tape of you doing something embarrassing?
Not to my knowledge, I hope no one does :(
386. What is Kevin Smith’s(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Smith) best movie?
Not a fan of his and haven't seen any of those movies. I'll pick Chasing Amy though since its the only 1 that sounds good.
387. Where do you like to go on Friday or Saturday nights?
Nowhere :P I like to stay home and play WOW :)
388. Do you like your friends to act the same way all the time or do you accept their moods and changes?
I accept their moods and changes but would rather they stay the same.
389. Do you often feel like other people are judging you?
All the time pretty much :(
390. What do you think other people judge you to be like?
Probably anti-social, psychotic. lol. Screw them though, I'm only those ways around people I dislike :P
391. Are you quick to judge others?
Sometimes. Depends on who and what for.
392. When you have a fight with someone do you want to talk about it right away or calm down first and then talk?
Right away, otherwise I'll feel crappy until its resolved.
393. Some say love is a river (according to the old song). What do you say love is?
Like Pat Benetar, I'd say love is a battlefield.
394. What is the worst fault a person can have?
Worst for themselves? Probably being too trusting, because it will only lead them to get hurt.
395. Do you have it?
Nope thankfully :)
396. Which do you think has more impact on a person’s character, genetics or environment?
Environment by far.
397. Who was your first best friend?
A girl that lived across and down the street from me growing up. We met when we were 7 and remained best friends for 5 years.
398. If you are not best friends anymore, what came between you?
Middle school. She decided to ditch me because I wasn't part of the cool crowd. Hate her to this day because of it.
399. Who have you read a biography about?
Marilyn Manson. I read most of his auto biography book. Also read Mike Edwards (of Jesus Jones). Have probably read others but drawing a blank as to whose.
400. What would your own autobiography be called?
I'd call it "Revenge of the mistreated".
Sunday, September 20, 2009
5000 question survey my answers part 4
5000 question survey,
about me,
personality surveys,
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Hi this is Will, just wanted to say hi from school. Wasn't sure if I could get on msn. Hope you're having a good time. See you later *hugs*