Haven't written in longer then usual, wish I could get back into writing here more frequently but with fall tv season starting and Will and WOW and now him playing wow with me there just isn't as much time. Which is fine cause I'd rather be with him or play wow or do both :D then write here :P
Will and I have been.....well we've been all over the place lately lol. Some days we argue a ton other days we get along great. Theres alot more good things then bad things about the relationship though :) We have really good convos about the paranormal, and I like that he accepts me not working or going to school and doesn't bug me about it, also like I mentioned before he is planning to visit again in November, we'll probably play the ouija board again then and do more fun stuff (no sex though!, I'm waiting until marriage still...also love that he accepts that.
Anyway he got his drivers licence passport thingy so he can go into Canada now :D Will be much faster (cuts ride in half about) for him driving this way. Don't know if I'll be able to go to Canada with him though since I don't have 1 and the non drivers licence id I had expired years ago :( Might go next week to get it updated. Though may not even bother, I don't think he cares too much about seeing Canada, only seeing me :D We're having some trouble finding a weekend thats good for the visit though :( But I think weekend of November 14th will be what we settle with.
Have some really awesome news too... we said we loved each other for the first time :D I knows its kinda soon but I really feel like I do and like he means he means it, sometimes I worry he doesn't though :( I hope we're together forever.
We're still playing wow together :D We're now both level 40. I know should be higher by now since its been almost 2 weeks lol :( but he isn't able or willing to play every day :( Also we took a few days to work on profession gathering/farming and leveling up professions. My rogue is an enchanter/inscription and his lock is tailoring/herbalism, so together our profs fit :D.
I seem to be....not losing interest in my druid really but caring a little less about making it the absolute best on the realm. I'm still into and working on achievements but I'm not interested in getting back into raiding yet even casually. I've done the occasionally pug though when I've felt like it or when Rich or another wow friend has asked me, but it hasn't been a regular thing. Did do onyxia 10 for the first time this week. Wiped a few times but seemed simple enough to me. Other then that and a handful of uldaurs and the weekly voas haven't raided anything in a month or so. Also have been skipping champion dailys lately sometimes and even the heroic daily. I figure my gears good enough anyway and I think I have all the mounts from the tourny now, can just buy the pets off the AH when I decide I want them bad enough.
Did get my last kill in wintergrasp that I needed for the wintergrasp ranger achievement though the other day, gave me the wintergrasp master achievement finally :) That was nice. Also got barons mount after a few days of farming nonstop for it :D Looks so cool, has a skully on the side too :D And finally got my achievement for getting exalted with argent dawn lol. Also got my my marine murloc pet which I got from buying the podcast of blizz con online :D Hes so cool, not my favorite pet but close. Also got the brew of the year achievement, kinda cheated to get it, sent in gm ticket saying my membership expired (I didn't realize it was a 1 year thing and they never sent me my October brew last year) and to my surprise they gave it to me. Was really happy about that, not that I really needed the achievement, but I'm kinda ocd with stuff like that lol, and seeing it 11/12 in progress on my achievement page all year would've drove me nuts. But I think best of all my achievements lately is the "a brew-fast mount" one I got. Got it cause the kodo dropped from brewfest boss and I rolled a 97 and won it :D. Love having a kodo mount since I'm alliance. Also finally got the 25 tabard achievement, can't believe I never bothered before to simply go to the tabard vender and buy them, sometimes I wonder if I have the right to call myself an achievement whore lol.
Speaking of tabards, I finally chose our guild tabard :D A gold kitty on a blue background :) Not the one with the eyes closed, the other one. One I picked is cute yet looks tough too :) Think it took me like an hour to pick it out lol, maybe longer. Didn't realize I can change it if I want lol.
Went to the dentist a few days ago. No cavities yay :D I'm kinda shocked lol since I don't always brush after eating and never floss. Dentist noticed my lack of flossing too, I was embarrassed :( Thinking I may wanna get my bottom wisdom tooth out (the only 1 I still have left as I had the top ones removed by the crappy dentist I had before this 1 and my other bottom one has never and will never grow in according the crappy orthodontist I had. Anyway surgery sucks but sometimes that tooth...well it doesn't hurt but at times its annoying to have it there because its now so much bigger then my other teeth, Anyway they referred me to an oral surgeon for if I do decide I for sure want it removed, they said dentists aren't supposed to remove them. Explains why I still have a scar in my mouth from when my previous dentist removed my bottom ones :(
Well thats all for now... will try to write again sooner next time.
Friday, October 9, 2009
In Love :D
blizz con,
kodo mount,
world of warcraft
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